Meeting #272 Agenda for November 10, 2015
Put “meeting tonight” sandwich boards outside doors 1 and 3
Ask guests to sign the guestbook
Guest introductions
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
318 Days until Maker Faire Milwaukee!
BOD Nominations for Communications Director close
Safety Note: Always try to leave the space with the same number of fingers you brought to the space. (Unless you make fingers while at the space.)
Member Topics and Announcements
Post Meeting Reminders
Space Tour starts immediately following meeting, meet in front lobby.
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
What Did We Talk About
Kathy H. made beautiful home accent piece out of an almost discarded lamp
Karen rescued a Victorian Gown
Carl has a front door (not tiny) for this Tiny House
Tom has a big blue friend, the Induction Furnace
Lexie is crocheting a blanket with a 585 pattern and she hates it!
Keith finished one of the two bookcases he is working on
No aluminum pour this Thursday - Kayla will be posting an updated schedule. Let her know if you need help making a mold
The saga of the strange yellow balloon continues
Akai has tires on his Trike. He just needs to do the cabling, gearing, and install tie rods
Tom Gr. continues to be awesome for the space
Thanks to Brant for running 3 days of Barnes and Nobles Maker Faire by essentially himself
Thanks to whoever set the clock back - It's Brant Again.
Holiday Make-a-Thon is coming up the Friday after Thanksgiving
meetingagenda/2015-11-10.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/11 01:40 by vrana54