Meeting Agenda for December 02, 2014
Put “meeting tonight” sandwich boards outside doors 1 and 3
Ask guests to sign the Milwaukee Makerspace Meeting Guest Book
Guest introductions
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members (Really, bring in the projects you're working on.)
Holiday Make-A-Thon Recap
Post Holiday Make-A-Thon Volunteers & Members Night 12/09/14
Pro-Active PCB Facility Tour Recap
New Member Storage Policy went into effect December 1st
Monthly Orientation Class this Saturday 10 AM
Fabric scissors in the Craft Lab, please do not use the fabric scissors on paper or anything
Metal Casting status discussed, no word from our neighbors yet, will follow up with them again soon
Children and the Make-A-Thon, supervision and guests discussed
Kettle Moraine Hardwoods, Baltic birch available from DL
Cartesian Printer group buy, please get Tom your contributions if you haven't paid yet
Insert your topics here
Meeting Adjourns
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
Members: 20
Guests: 6
Things mentioned: really cool light, robots, pen crafting, ornaments, CNC mill, make-a-thon, SC Johnson, fan motor, security software, Twitter, current events, holidays, RFID readers, craft scissors, comb binder, fabric scissors,
meetingagenda/2014-12-02.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/03 01:31 by branth