Meeting Agenda for January 28, 2014
Put “meeting tonight” sandwich boards outside doors 1 and 3
Ask guests to sign the Milwaukee Makerspace Meeting Guest Book
Guest introductions
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members (Really, bring in the projects you're working on.)
Insert your topics here
One year anniversary of moving into Lenox! Slideshow later
Joseph Bozarth - Presenting status of the purchasing a 3d printer initiative and proposing a meeting after to talk about continued work on the UltraMegaMax: Dominator (I am really sorry to Mark because I cannot ever seem to remember the real name).
Dues Bot Reawakens - Dan J.
A few volunteers needed after the meeting to clean up a bit, empty garbage cans, etc.
Meeting Adjourns
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
Members: ??
Guests: ??
Things mentioned: ??
meetingagenda/2014-01-28.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/28 23:15 by dan_dude