Emergency Membership Meeting - November 25, 2012
Google Hangout was up and Pete P, Michael D, Adam C joined us on it
Jason H, Jason G, Royce P, Brant H, Dennis D, Sean M, Tom G
Rich N. resigned as President this morning
Tom G., Brant, and others agreed to try to remain positive
Overcoming this challenge will hopefully help us in the long term
Royce noted we need a succession plan and the group generally agreed
Tom G. noted that if one Member has a concern, it is likely that there are others with the same concern
Jason G. indicated that the new accounting software has been up and running
Invoices can be sent to some Members immediately
Jason G added he was going to do the first batch today but we're dealing with this issue now instead
Tom G. suggested that Jason G. delegate:
Have someone else handle day-to-day tasks
Jason G. to focus on getting the new system running
Jason G. and Brant disagreed with Tom since we're so close to completion
Jason G. and Brant noted the Board's progress with entering data on Tuesday night, 11/20/2012
Brant expressed concerns about the spread of misinformation and rumors
Pete said he (and likely others) ran for the Board because we care about the Makerspace
He believes a small group can act on behalf of the membership and still meet their expectations
Pete noted we used to trust Royce and Tom when they ran the space
Pete wants more trust and constructive feedback, maybe we should illicit feedback only, not unending debate
Things are in flux, life will be tough for the next few months
A protocol for speaking to the Membership is needed, board reports needed at weekly meetings
Tom suggested we have one Board Member responsible for addressing the Membership, Royce strongly agreed
How do we make decisions? How do we get feedback? Some options include:
Moderated discussions on a mailing list i.e. each post needs to be approved
Difficult for a moderator to be objective enough for everyone involved
We do not want people to feel censored
Perhaps ask Members to respond directly to the one Board Member
Members would not be able to see what fellow Members had said
We could have someone add each individual comment to the wiki or a list to share with Members
That would solve the censorship issue
State clearly when we are in an “information gathering mode” with Board questions to Members
Hopefully avoid lengthy and/or unproductive discussions
Get accurate feedback quicker
The Board needs to address inaccuracies in Rich's email, squash rumors
Accounting software has been up and running
All new members are entered into it, two new members were entered this week
All current members are entered into it also and invoices are being created
The Board never said we couldn't pay the rent
The Board is not moving toward the Artisan's Asylum style model i.e. everything being pay-per-use
Nominations for an Acting President
Names were suggested for nomination including Kevin and
Brant was nominated by Tom, others agreed
It was noted at the end of the meeting Tom G. plans to have the floors sanded and sealed
MMS and the landlord plan to split the costs 50/50
meetingagenda/2012-11-25.txt · Last modified: 2012/11/26 02:30 by raster