Meeting Notes for March 13, 2012
Agenda Items
Roof Leaks
The roof leaks… How do we fix it?
Ron B. suggested building a canopy inside over the lockers and hardware bins.
A scissor lift or ladder will be needed.
The landlord's maintenance guy (Michael D.?) may be patching the roof soon possibly?
Event Calendar Demo & Email Addresses
Jason G. asked if anyone would be interested in a brief demo on how to add events to the website calendar.
It was noted that recurring items should be given less priority than special events.
Pete P., Jason G. and Michael D. planned to discuss further after the meeting.
Green Energy Summit Recap
Tom G. gave a recap of the event.
We had two booths in the lobby of the Frontier Airlines Center.
We had Tom's electric car, Ben's electric motorcycle, a video playing on a loop, cards, flyers, stickers, etc.
One new member may have come out of our participation.
We've been invited back next year.
Ron B. found an automatic welder for sale. Let him know if you're interested.
Art Jamboree Recap
Jason H. and Pete P. gave a recap of the event at City Hall.
There were approx. 1,000 attendees in 4 hours and we were well received.
we brought our DrawBot, the Makerbot, some of Royce's bronze medallions, Matt's foam relief pieces, and Pete's Processing program.
Two visitors expressed interest in vacuum forming and foam suppliers.
Jason H. noted we should start planning for the next event.
Quick Member Stats / Revenue
Jason G. gave a quick update.
The count of part-time members now exceed the count of full-time by one person.
We had 38 members at the end of the year.
34 at the end of February 2012.
Now at 43.
Project Talk: Wraparound Milwaukee
“Wraparound Milwaukee is a unique type of managed care program operated by the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division that is designed to provide comprehensive, individualized and cost effective care to children with complex mental health and emotional needs.”
They are hosting their Third Annual Talent Show.
Jessica would like us to help create a sculpture in place of the old fountain in front of the building.
Concept renderings were passed around and the sculpture looked to be several multi-colored cubes that spin on axles and create larger shape.
Several people expressed interest in helping make the cubes out of wood including Tom G., Royce P., Bill M., Rich N., Kevin B., Brant H., Jason H., and Jason G.
Kevin, Pete, Shane, and Jason H. will be showing pieces.
We may need to coordinate getting some of the pieces to the show.
Aluminum Pour Recap
Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 PM
meetingagenda/2012-03-13.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/31 04:07 by branth