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MakerBot CupCake CNC


MakerBot CupCake CNC


Working area 100 x 100 mm
Heated Build Platform
DC Motor Extruder
3mm Filament

See Also:

Current Status

As of May 2012: not at the space


As of May 2012: not at the space

On lend from


2011-08-01 - Arrived at Makerspace
2012-05-28 - Not at the Makerspace


The MakerBot CupCake is located in the Lab. You can use the PC that is on the table to control it, or install ReplicatorG on your own computer. (The profile files/folders should be stored on the SD card in the MakerBot, which you can copy to your own machine.)

We print with 3mm ABS filament. Don't attempt to print with PLA unless you ask Drew Dominguez first. Don't try to print with 1.75mm filament, as that won't work.

Kapton tape on the Heated Built Platform seems to work better than blue painters tape. (There should be a roll floating around the Lab if you need to replace it.)

Temperature for the extruder: 210 deg F
Temperature for the HBP: 110 (YMMV)

Need to bond two pieces of ABS together?!topic/makerbot/H_S2YDH_kwI/discussion

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equipment/makerbotcupcake.txt · Last modified: 2012/06/01 20:45 by raster