You will learn the basics of the Arduino microcontroller, including digital input and output, analog input and output, and using the Arduino software. We'll work through a number of examples using various sensors and actuators.
Instructor: Pete Prodoehl
Materials: For the class I will supply an Arduino UNO compatible board, a breadboard, wires, and a variety of other parts to use. Some of the components we will explore are: potentiometers, photocells, servos, relays, sensors, and actuators. (Please see Equipment & Software below for what you will need to supply.)
You do not have to be a member of the Makerspace to take this class, but members will have first priority to sign up.
You should be able to use a computer and work with small parts. The majority of the class will involve sitting, not standing.
If you've done any programming or scripting before, it will help. If you haven't, don't worry. If you've built simple circuits or done any electronics, it will help. If you haven't, don't worry.
Please bring a computer with at least one USB port with you. Install the Arduino software. (Available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.) You should also install the CH340 driver for Arduino boards that use that driver. (Typically cheap clone Arduinos acquired from eBay.)
None required.