Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - 6 p.m. June 15, 2023
Previous Minutes
Current Financial Projections
Pre-Planned Discussions
Forklift battery (up to $3000). Notification was put out on members only, announced at Tuesday meeting. Will vote after one week (June 21). Sense of board is to approve.
Anna as laser primary champion with Ellen Fulton as co champ. , So moved by Hapto, seconded by Jon. Six in favor, no nays, Anna abstains.
Organizing metal finishing. Hapto: Lots of loose ends. We will reach out to people who seem interested, Stephan, Tiffany, poss. others. Keep on our radar.
Vault/Private leasing rates at Lenox. Geoff, raise price from $50 a vault to $100 a vault. Consensus is to increase, but how much? $1.75 per sq foot. Jon moves 1.75. Effective Oct. 1. Callie seconds. Passes unanimously. Tim will work with Hapto and Hannah to communicate. Hannah will send draft communications. Must go out by 30th.
Views on preference system for Norwich rentals (community goals). Hapto Big picture: Is it storage, or are you a member making things. Should we require, for example, a baseline of activity per fob use? Tim: Add simple questions on vault and floor space rental agreement as to what space will be used for. This gives board a starting point to question space use should we feel the need to encourage a member to vacate space. Use term active project space to refer. Tim seeks BOD OK on new document. Tim will have vault owners sign starting July 1.
Communication platform: Carl regarding Discord/pottery and …?
Member survey incentive ideas. (Tim seeks edits). Membership has been alerted to $500 spend for $40 (one month) free dues. Tim moves We have incentive drawing for survey completer. With odds set , to pay up to 12 people one month's dues with odds at at least 1/50 chance of winning, unless Tuesday June 20 deadline to come up with a formal proposal to board with a better idea. Any such proposal shall be a approved by Board. Jon seconds. Motion carries unanimously.
New Rule: Shirt and shoe requirement? Geoff moves to create a rule to require shirt and shoes in public areas. Tim seconds. There were questions about what constitutes a shirt for women wearing sports bras. No need to inform membership because most members already comply with this rule. Unanimous ayes, no nays.
New Rule: Prohibition on receiving private mail as MS? Geoff moves for a prohibition on receiving private mail as MS. Jon seconds. Goeff says it's a hassle for other members. Tim: No receiving mail unrelated to making projects. It is the recipient's responsibility to receive their own package. If you don't package rejected? This rule does not apply to “Space Projects” and space supplies, e.g. area champion orders Views are varied. Box proposed. This discussion truncated.
New motion. Callie: NO mail or deliveries that are unrelated to space improvements or space projects (For example, area champion orders) are allowed, except when pre-approved by the board of directors. Makerspace assumes no responsibility or liability for any deliveries. Hannah seconds. Callie, Hapto, Tim, Hannah, Anna, ayes. Jon nay. Motion carries.
Tim moves to table until next meeting. Jon Seconds, Unanimous ayes.
Jon moves to adjourn, tim seconds, unanimous ayes.