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BoD Meeting Topics:

Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - 6 p.m. April 20, 2023

Draft minutes


  • Tim calls meeting to order at 6:50 p.m.
  • Minutes by-law rewrite, transition at-large to secod faccil dir, item for this agenda was inadvertently dropped. Will be up next meeting. Minutes otherwise approved.



Tim, Goeff by phone, Hannah, Alden, Hapto, Jon D., Callie

  • None

Anna, Steve P., Dan L, Bryan F, A.C., Willy, Jeff., Dan J., Tom G., Tony W.

Previous Minutes

  • Approval of Board meeting minutes. Unanimously approved.

Current Financial Projections

  • See report: dan says housekeeping correction make picture look somewhat better.

Pre-Planned Discussions

Quick Hits

  1. Carl nominated assistant communications director, Hapto. She wants him, he's willing and highly competent. Understood Carl will be able to see board-only material on a case-by-case. Needs member notification due to extra-ordinary access. Members also need to be informed about Mike T. and Dan J. special access. Notification will come from Hapto. Board will vote by email in a week.
  2. A.A. discipline re. taking track saw. Tim moves to kick him out, Alden seconds. We will endeavor to get back any other possible stolen items. Unknown at this time. Terminate for indeterminate amount of time, Unanimous aye, no nays. Motion carries, Tim will communicate with members saying member was kicked out.
  3. Inventory Tracker/Tags. Tom G. purchased brands to heat mark tools. Consider tracker tags for future.
  4. Power Wheels Dissolution. Members were informed. Reduce to two pallet spaces in June. Space on hold (no charge). No area funding. Hannah, moved, tim seconded, unanimous ayes, no nays. Motion carries
  5. Reallocate $1,144.90. $300 to Powerwheels racing series (PPPSR) nonprofit powerwheels group in Chicago. Hannah moves, Jon Seconds, Tim aye, Hannah aye, Alden aye, Collie aye, Hapto aye, Geoff aye. Motion carries.
  6. Rent additional Space at Norwich MMS rents 489 sq ft. $189 /mo. currently managed by Makers Village, rental tables. All ayes but Alden, Nay. Will discuss rental fees later. Hapto will notify members.

Longer Discussions

  1. Members sleeping in vehicles. Tim: No members may sleep on either space property, Lenox and Norwich. “It is no one's job to wake you up.” It is illegal for both properties. Dan note seriousness of violations - we could be shut down. Hannah will do notification via direct email. No further board action.
  2. Creating/sending out the rental agreements for members with extra storage at Lenox. Tim will receive and amend and inform renters. No further action required.
  3. E-Waste at the Space. Dan J. Dan emptied. Mike R. suggested vendor to take, should work for us. No board action required. Dan will communication to membership via Hapto.
  4. Member Engagement Survey. Tim will discuss with members individually at Tuesday meeting.
  5. Norwich air compressor: drier & oil issue. Board previously voted to buy drier. Tom G. addressing oil issue. No board action needed.
  6. Membership growth is at an all-time high. Time to add another functional step to joining? Tim: Strain on admin. and larger areas. Tap brakes by slowing signup or raising bar in another way? Many ideas discussed. Hapto will work on list of member obligations.
  7. Water Heater Tank for Norwich (being offered for free by a member, Tim) We're not interested if it's gas. Is for ceramics, Jeff and Dan can figure it out.
  8. Boy Scouts Derby Event(?) - Alden: Is relationship building thing with scout leaders. Social event for adults, not for scouts. Brewery also sponsoring. Needs volunteers from MS to help. Would be more than a year away. Jon moves to hear more, Alden seconds. Alden should move forward to gather of more information by Board consciensus.
  9. Andrew Jessen, a relatively new member, wants to use vacuum former. Sara Cellucei wants to help. Larger red one North end of east room of Lenox. They will do monthly training. Tim: move to make Andrew J. vacuum forming champion. Unanimous ayes. Motion Carries. Tim, moves to make Sara C. co-champ. Unanimous ayes. Motion carries
  10. Tim moves to Make Jen J., welding co-champ, Alden seconded. Unanimous ayes. Motion passes.
==== Proposals for next month =====

Kathy L., let's have an auction for woodshop fundraising. Kathy will email more specifics


Moved to June 3 on account of Memorial Day.

boardmeetingagenda/2023-05-18.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/19 00:58 by wildapricot-drayna_jonathan