Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - Nov 17, 20th, 2022
Approved minutes
Previous Minutes
Current Financial Projections
Member Topics
Discussing the Long Arm Quilting Machine budget
The overall expenditure, ~$6,377 (49%)
Pay-to-use system and limits thereof (people who donate get time back on machine)
Board's responsibilities (tracking usage/training, tracking the impact to the Makerspace and the users of the area)
Finalizing terms of the vote and calling it
Discovery World Memberships/Relationship
Discovery World asked for information relating to group memberships
Precedent dictates that people/company may pay for others' memberships, so long as the member goes through the same onboarding as all members. There is no bundle discount offered.
Updating the member month-to-month sublease rates for Maker Village
Sublessor rent will be calculated at rates that are to be set by Makers Village Investors Group LLC (Landlord). These rents will be initially set at the signing of this contract, and hereafter be changed no more than 1 time per calendar year and must be preceded by at least a 90 day notice prior to the increase.
Landlord will work with all tenants to adjust space to accommodate any financial hardships this might cause. Changes to month-to-month lease rates will be discussed with Tenant Board of Directors at a public meeting prior to announcement to the membership.
I would like to discuss modifications to pricing at this time, to take effect on March 1st 2023
Membership Engagement
Membership Signup Materials
Area Champion access to CC video
Ongoing Business
Pre-Planned Discussions
Facilities Director Bank Card/Budget
Proposal to give the Facilities Director a space debit card with limit to help with general space upkeep (facilities director already regularly uses personal card and requires regular reimbursement, this seeks to simplify the process)
Setting use case
Reminder, purchases made on Makerspace cards send an email to for trackability
Updates on Facilities
QuickBooks integration update
Prices for moving our financing over to quickbooks
Support needed? Timeline for transition?
Notify membership of intention to switch to system if required by by-laws, else call vote and begin transition
Culture of Safety
Member Handbook!
Confirm the member handbook is up-to-date and relevant
Set schedule to address gaps in the handbook
Grammar, punctuation check
Codify conflict response plans
Guest waivers (still used?), do electronic waivers count? Question for legal counsel
Age of guest minimum, expand upon exceptions or strike the rule?
Reconcile the
FAQ section with the Member Handbook
Confirm the Code of Conduct furthers the mission of the space equitably and sustainably, including the warning system
Confirm the wording of the Anti-Harassment policy furthers the mission of the makerspace and is working as intended
warning system
Order 1000 Trifolds
Space Improvement Day (5 min)
* Projects:
Norwich: up-for-grabs and impound lots, better labelling
Lenox: power drops (and eye protection) for stained glass. Many donated.