Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - March 17th, 2022
Jeff, Alden, Tim, Faith, Chris, Marcus, Hapto, Jeff L., Tony, Dan J.
Jon D. (subbing for Bill to take minutes.)Sailor Dan, Kathy, Radio Mike, Steve P., Bill Bristol, Collin.
Previous Minutes
Current Financial Projections
Jeff: Report filed, up six members over prev. month. See attached PDF.
Ongoing Business
- Maker Faire. Tim reached out to Peter Haydoc; Peter did not respond. Someone should reach out. Will ask at membership meeting, post to message board for volunteer to spearhead.
- Space Improvement Day: Set for 26th.
Norwich focus.
Clean up East and West Room Project Areas at Norwich
Build / Situate Work Tables
Deploy additional Tables in west room at Lenox
Will call for food volunteer at membership meeting. Outdoor grilling discussed. Mike will bring Chocolate cake.
- Membership Engagement - Automated email for those not fobbing in for several months to see if they still want to be members, so that, if not, we can we take their storage space: Project is on Tony's list.
- Area champion access to cc security video: Tony making good progress on easier access. Will pilot with wood shop.
- Date of Trivia Night: On hold for now
- Dan to champion bridge contest, in the mode of last summer's egg drop. Longest span under weight limit that can support 50 lbs. wins $25 gift certif. and glory.
- Tim: Membership sign-up materials, new video:
Tim 7/8ths through script.
Aiming for 8-10 minutes in length
Upon completion will do rough recording for commentary/feedback
Goal is to break up information between the 2 tours and signup video
Alden will review the script and provide feedback
Marcus: Air dryer for compressed air system. Lead time 43 business days. Spend $2,743 of MMS funds? Marcus makes motion, Jeff seconds, passes unanimously.
New Business
Flugtag (Red Bull-sponsored goofy flying machine contest, July 16 at MKE lakefront): Marcus requests space for community project. Sense of Board is OK with it but Flugtag group should make a proposal to board.
Mitchell St Art Center (Information only.): Exec Director Rue Gordon wants to start creative space with performance area and small makerspace on Mitchell St. Rue asked for advice. Rue got tour of MMS, joined MMS.
New Business
- Spring 2022 Elections: Marcus will run election.
Member Topics
Charlie: Requesting glass fusing area in Tower Room in Norwich. Requests space T112. Several people have signed on showing interest. Nifty 3D model. With space Charlie can get glass at wholesale with large discounts. Costs are hard to project. Sense of board is to approve, pending written proposal.
Faith: Heads up: Jake will ask for more room for welding.
Hapto: Indian fest of Holi tomorrow, swinging paint buckets with holes, color powder thrown in air, etc. Requests $100 for supplies. Was posted to group chat. Jeff motions, Tim seconds, Five in favor, Marcus abstains.
Charlie: Someone should ask wood shop to be quiet during meetings.