Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - April 15th, 2021
Held Online via Jitsi Meet
Kathy H
Dan J
Tim Y
Linda S
Bill R
New Business
Current Financial Projections
COVID-19 Reopening
Maker Faire Milwaukee has a set date of Sept 24th-26th, 2021
Markus wants to get a hardware bin for Norwich $200-225
probably 1-3 to replicate what we have at Lenox
we have enough hardware currently fill 1
All 7 vote yes to purchase - Purchased
Do we want more?
Markus suggests purchasing 2-4 M18 drills for Norwich ($40-60/each)
date for the “Great Pottery Move” coming soon Pottery move has happened
New Business
Membership Signups
Potential changes:
Touring both Buildings
How do we get guests to tour Lenox? Sunday tours have been limiting
Increase max tour size?
Change tour date?
Sign-up Process:
Ask for photo identification (not for a copy, but for verification of sign up sheet)
Give self-signup another go
Send potential members a link to the new member video and to a new member quiz
Successfully completing the quiz gives you a password to access the new member signup form
space improvement day
Norwich Laser cutters
we have a new 60W laser cutter and we are getting a large 100W laser cutter on Saturday
Possible location across from the paint room proximity to exterior wall for venting and no doorways (for moving large sheets)
Rent the extra space, reduce other area?
Lasers in meeting room difficult. Carpet, smell, narrow doorway both for moving the 100w and large projects.
Steve B. Warning
For the 5+ time, Steve B. was occupying the same enclosed space as other members and not wearing a mask
Steve was sent an email on February 12th reminding him that he needed to wear a mask
Vote was called to give a formal warning:
Yes: Tim, Markus, Jake, Faith, Alden (a quorum, so vote passes)
Waiting: Jeff
boardmeetingagenda/2021-04-15.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/19 17:55 by raster