Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - November 21st, 2019
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace Entrance
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Find the current treasurer report
* Update
Spend area funding!
Paid insurance
Tax assessor forms
Building Maintenance/Issues
Redoing the kitchen floor with laminate tiles on space improvement day
Redoing the flooring in the laser lab
Issues with air compressor copper pipe will be dealt with on Saturday
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Carl talked to Mayor about who is running the DNC Host Committee to see if we can get some tours for the candidates to see what we have available
Carl continuing to find similar places like ours to find interest in doing joint classes
Make-a-thon is on November 29 next week
5 vote YES to make Sarah co-champion to the laser lab
Unfinished Business
Membership Engagement
New Flooring Proposal
Lighting /Graffiti
Last Status
Idea of a mural for the outside wall
Kathy H talked to Dylan about what we can and cannot do
Kathy H, Carl and Pete will research on how to move forward with this
What we need
What will be painted
Space Improvement Day
Last Status
# Attendees
Storage Options
Last Status
Move Maker Faire, Make-A-Thon, Power Wheels supplies to self storage unit
Storage Masters unit is approx. $106/month
18 months of storage.
Moved items to storage units with about 2 pallets of space still available
Markus has pictures of everything that is in it and will update it on the wiki
Keys for unit are in the cash drawer
Bullet points/script for giving tours
Last Status
similar to wood shop
encourage and boost confidence for more members to give tours
more consistency of topics covered
cover more of our culture and what to expect (training, storage, behaviour)
Do we want a bulleted script for tour guides
Steff and Kathy C will survey new members
Do we want a quiz after becoming a new member for the simple/everyday things?
Update member handbook and provide printed copy
Many people more likely to read and remember printed things
Gives new members something to do while waiting to sign up
Include something like a quick start guide of how to get trained?
Markus will look at handbook and edit it
Give each new member a copy
Give handbook at first tour, then have the new member verify that they read it: quiz potential
Face to face instruction instead of the video
Slide deck in wiki for new members
FAQ, Training questions, Cleaning, Lights, First aid
* Update
Old Dumpster Pad
Remove old pad and replace with compacted gravel for an additional parking spot
It’ll be in the fall when Cathy’s dad has slow time at work
Markus drilled into the pad and suggests that we just let winter and the ice break up the pad
Tim will see if there are any Milwaukee Tools that can help
Revisit the issue of "Commercial Work"
Spending Area Funding
Maker Faire Funding
Liability Insurance
Board Member Retreat
Board retreat or weekend to discuss the changes with the new building and the structure of how we’ll be handling it
Sarah is willing to help us plan this retreat, she has experience with this kind of stuff
Need to look into dates after the fall elections
Going to consider dates for this in January
Sarah will reach out to different groups that run these kinds of programs
Sarah will send out google poll to get an idea of dates
Misc Topics
New Business
boardmeetingagenda/2019-11-21.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/22 01:58 by wildapricot-finfrock_faith