Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - September 26th, 2019
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace Entrance
Dan L
Steve P
Dan J
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Find the current treasurer report
* Update
Building Maintenance/Issues
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Unfinished Business
Membership Engagement
New Flooring Proposal
Last Status
all 6 vote approval for flooring
700 dollars for flooring est.
* Kathy found someone who is donating vinyl sheet flooring. Waiting to see if it will be dropped off or if we have to pick it up
New Building/Makerspace Annex
Last Status
Tom G was issued a Letter of intent
Rezoning and drawings in progress
Waiting on City to determine how they will handle land situation
City Council has voted yes to giving us the building for $1
Lighting /Graffiti
Maker Faire Milwaukee
Maker Faire funding requests
how do we handle the budget with the outreach committee
discussion of funding flat amount or a match rate from fundraising
6-1 vote to notify membership of a proposal requesting putting 5k toward outreach programs
Waiting on the plan for the 5K toward the Outreach Program until there is a budget outline
Actual Payouts so far, totaling $1883.42 - Dan J:
Adrian - Sculptures 300.00
Akron Makerspace Travel Funding 200.00
Jake - Crossbow 500.00
Karen - Makerfaire MMS Booth 50.00
Kathy H - Party Food 109.37
Kathy H - Party Liquor 106.05
Kendra - Party Food 83.00
Mark - Truck Refuel 35.00
Sam - Tesla Coil 500.00
Need to approve at least $335.08 in general fund transfers to Community Outreach fund.
Outreach Program*
we need to find someone to head this group, mention at the meeting and through email
Robert Massey(ping pong ball thing) - Payout $80
Put $1,963 in the Outreach Fund
Markus will send out member notification
Space Improvement Day
Last Status
# Attendees
Storage Options
Last Status
Move Maker Faire, Make-A-Thon, Power Wheels supplies to self storage unit
Tom recently started renting 1000sq.ft
Billy talked to Bay View storage and is waiting for hear back
We can also ask if members have any extra personal storage for Maker Faire/Powerwheels supplies
Markus asked about pricing for MMS to get unit at storage masters (scroll saws, folding chairs, powerwheels, etc) less than $1/sq.ft. ($106/month)
18 months of storage. Markus will email the membership
Bullet points/script for giving tours
Last Status
similar to wood shop
encourage and boost confidence for more members to give tours
more consistency of topics covered
cover more of our culture and what to expect (training, storage, behaviour)
Do we want a bulleted script for tour guides
Steff and Kathy C will survey new members
Do we want a quiz after becoming a new member for the simple/everyday things?
Update member handbook and provide printed copy
Many people more likely to read and remember printed things
Gives new members something to do while waiting to sign up
Include something like a quick start guide of how to get trained?
Markus will look at handbook and edit it
Give each new member a copy
Give handbook at first tour, then have the new member verify that they read it: quiz potential
Face to face instruction instead of the video
Carl will come in 30 minutes before Monday class for new member orientation
Slide deck in wiki for new members
FAQ, Training questions, Cleaning, Lights, First aid
Reinstating members previously removed by the Board
Adding a new line on the sign up sheet to check off if they've been a member before
Markus wants to add a list of members who we should be wary of signing up again
new procedure write-up for signing up members
Old Dumpster Pad
Revisit the issue of "Commercial Work"
Implement a “High Score” board to help expose tool usage data to the membership at large
Dan J.
I think it would be helpful for member engagement if we could expose more data about tool usage.
I would like to send out an automated email once a month, like the area funding email, containing “Most productive maker” awards. That shows who has been using each tool the most.
I would also add a page to the website that contains “High Scores”, for the current month, the highest ever month, and the highest cumulative all time usage.
Spending Area Funding
New Business
Increasing Our General Liability insurance limit. -Dan J.
Our Policy renews next month. Our current limit is $1m/$2m incident/total. I have requested a quote to double this to $2m/$4m
They have automatically added “DATA DEFENDER COVERAGE” Which protects against computer hacks/identity theft. This is $186
Our renewal cost is $4,515 a year, this is an increase of a few hundred dollars.
The :( topic of this months misbehaviors
Do we want Tom G can cuber for demonstration purposes in the hallway by sinks
Steff: Milwaukee Magazine Event
We want to remove the picnic table
Adrian will talk with the snowplow people
boardmeetingagenda/2019-09-26.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/17 23:44 by wildapricot-finfrock_faith