Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - May 15th, 2019
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace Craft Lab
Bill W.
Tom G.
Dan J.
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Find the current treasurer report
We may want to discuss the wisdom of paying a CPA to file on our behalf. We did this several years ago and it cost us $300 per year.
If we do not, we should make a greater effort to review our filing with multiple people before sending to avoid a recurrence.
* Update
Building Maintenance/Issues
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Outreach committee - Planning stages for fundraisers for the spring.
Issues with archived members being able to pay online
Old/problem members signing up again and that process
Keep training up to date on irregular members
Unfinished Business
Membership Engagement
Clarification of Policy on teaching classes to non members
Last Status
Propose to clarify language on wiki, vote if this is acceptable - Dan
Members can teach a class to non-members, but must get BOD sign-off first.
We need to be sure that safety protocols are in place that will not risk a claim against our liability insurance.
All guests MUST sign the liability waiver before class.
Make it clear that if a member accepts payment for the class, they are no longer covered by the space's liability insurance and should buy their own.
Does not apply to guests working on personal projects.
New Flooring Proposal
New Building/Makerspace Annex
Lighting /Graffiti
Last Status
Exterior Building lighting - Tom G
Lighting the side of building attempt to reduce graffiti also talk to neighborhood
Big LED light was acquired that can be aimed.
Maker Faire Milwaukee
Last Status
Venue looks good
Loading dock is large enough for semi trailer
Working with parking structures for $5 all day parking
Waiting on outdoor approval and makers
Pete to research Enterprise truck rental discount
Space Improvement Day
Last Status
# Attendees
Spring Elections
New Business
* Storage options
Move Maker Faire, Make-A-Thon, Power Wheels supplies to self storage unit?
Potential to open up 12-30 storage spaces.
cost, convenience, abuse issues?
There is a storage unit within walking distance that has a key code entry, 10×20 space for $120/month, Markus or Billy will ask about a discount
We can also ask if members have any extra personal storage for Makerfair/Powerwheels supplies
* New Member orientation
Worth reintroducing?
With more new members it could be more effective than individually answering the same questions over and over
Do we have/want a script?
Should space improvement day be a sign-up requirement?
Carl can give new members an orientation on Mondays at 5PM
Carl, Pete and Steff working on script and tours
Need to make edits to handbook
Face to face breakdown of video ensures sign ups are paying attention
* Bullet points/script for giving tours
similar to wood shop
encourage and boost confidence for more members to give tours
more consistency of topics covered
cover more of our culture and what to expect (training, storage, behaviour)
Do we want a bulleted script for tour guides
Steff and Kathy C will survey new members
Do we want a quiz after becoming a new member for the simple/everyday things?
* Update member handbook and provide printed copy
Many people more likely to read and remember printed things
Gives new members something to do while waiting to sign up
Include something like a quick start guide of how to get trained?
Markus will look at handbook and edit it
Give each new member a copy
Give handbook at first tour, then have the new member verify that they read it: quiz potential
Face to face instruction instead of the video
Tony is willing to create a quiz, this is something new that we can try
If the member doesn’t do well on the quiz, suggest they come to member orientation
Carl will come in 30 minutes before Monday class for new member orientation
Slide deck in WIKI for new members
FAQ, Training questions, Cleaning, Lights, First aid
* signage for 5 minute ToDos
What can someone do to help an area/the space if they have 5 minutes?
What are tasks that can be done without much guidance/knowledge?
Enable and encourage members to spend a few minutes cleaning while waiting for a training, someone to show up, glue or paint to dry….
Encourage area champions to contribute to a list/ sign
Weld area will have posters from MATC
Give a list when new members sign up
Mark tasks in space improvement day list as repeatable for new members or volunteers
Suggestions from area champions