Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - July 19th, 2018
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace Craft Lab
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Find the current treasurer report
Space Equipment Inventory
Building Maintenance/Issues
Previous status
Back hallway door near vaults needs a push bar installed.
Colleen to get professional cleaning and maintenance for Vacuum cleaners
Vent fan needed for Cosplay area for heat - est. cost $80-$120
New outlet reels for welding area, craft lab area - est. cost >$120
Focus on Energy Credit for LED bulbs has been submitted, waiting for check
Parking lot needs to be repaved, Tim will coordinate with Tom G for quotes
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Unfinished Business
Property tax exemption
Previous status
Found the original letter, must wait to re-apply next year with better evidence.
Tom G. will contact our lawyer and try again.
Marquette could not provide assistance
Vault Hallway
First Aid Training
Membership Engagement
Member Accountability
Maker Faire projects, funding, etc. Review
Last Status
Propose to send an email to members about the yearly Maker Faire Milwaukee funding commitment
$5,000 was voted for and approved
Form is available to ask for funding
No more moniez but more requests are coming in
Mat to determine how much more money for increased budget request
Concerns about Maker Faire Area Champion Duties
Challenges with MF Champion not being on BOD anymore
Suggestion: The BOD can provide guidance/template how to run the MF area
Suggestion: Shift responsibility for budget/financial approvals to BOD
Vault hall member storage abuse
Last Status
Need to promote members who have had a positive impact on the makerspace
Certain member(s) are using it as personal storage and are lapsed
Empower facilities director to enforce current storage rules
Updated the emails for lapsed accounts to include warning about losing storage (done)
Inform members that vaults will get quarterly safety checks; two board members minimum
Last Status
BOD discussed a proposal form that members would fill out when making any requests for the BOD
Tim will update wiki and pin on member only forum
Dan will add link to Wild Apricot
Last Status
Allow students to become members where MATC pays for membership
MATC will then allow MMS members access to use MATC facilities, equipment, and instructors
8 members started then tapered off
Bob from MATC is concerned with insurance, still not ETA for MMS members at MATC
Free membership experiment has ended, MATC students must pay individually
Last Status
How to handle special elections when BOD member leaves position for another?
How to handle a tie?
Visibility of results
Public Results: Near real-time visibility to vote counts but not names
Paper Ballots: Use a computer for data entry then cross check and process votes
Administration: Must be a BOD with no vested interest in the election
Needs further discussion, we have 5 months till next election
Ties: names in a fishbowl/randomly selected
No board members up for re-election can oversee the election
All members will have access to regularly-updated voting totals
Special elections cannot overlap regular elections
New Business
Anodizing proposal
Kathy Cannistra sent an
email on February 15th proposing to put the anodizing station in the vault hallways in the area where to grill currently is. Venting options would be out the door, through a new wall hole or tubed through to the paint room fan.
To be discussed after paint room is finalized
Kathy is plagued with a chalky mess, needs time to figure out where its coming from
boardmeetingagenda/2018-07-19.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/20 20:10 by marcinp