Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - February 15th, 2018
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace craft lab
Marcin P
Mat M
Tim C
Pete P
Steff M
Adrian V (via Phone)
Billy K
Jake B
Bill W
Bill C
Tony S
Matt N
Tom K
John H
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Find the current treasurer report
Space Equipment Inventory
Previous status
Kathy to ask Area Champions to update the Wiki with equipment in their area(s).
Paused due to Maker Faire, Kathy is continuing to work on it.
Building Maintenance/Issues
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Unfinished Business
Property tax exemption
Previous status
Found the original letter, must wait to re-apply next year with better evidence.
Tom G will contact our lawyer and try again.
Camera System
Previous status
Need another camera vantage point for alley, pointing north.
Need computer for viewing and recording.
New Shelving Plans (Willie's Boat Area & PowerWheels Area)
Membership Engagement
Previous Status
Empowering area champions
Board will create a newsletter for important events.
We have a template and will send the first issue
First newsletter was sent
During SID, the entire MMS is closed, no working on projects
First Aid Training
Previous Status
Every phone and exit door has emergency contact info
Focus on CPR and first aid training
Billy will seek out professional training (free) for members
Member Accountability
Last Status
What to do about Member accountability
Reinforce to members about unauthorized activities at the space.
Champions signing parking permits for other areas is becoming an issue.
Complete, Pete and Kathy to confirm if PDFs have been updated
Maker Faire projects, funding, etc. Review
Hiring a professional to auger the men's room toilets
Vault hall member storage abuse
Last Status
Need to promote members who have had a positive impact on the makerspace
Certain member(s) are using it as personal storage and are lapsed
Empower facilities director to enforce current storage rules
Update the emails for lapsed accounts to include warning about losing storage
Kathy H is proposing that vaults have an acceptance criterion and members must submit an application
Door Monitor System
Matt Neesley Vault
Matt N started the conversation
Self-proclaimed that:
to have money troubles
to not paying on time (1st of month)
to be in violation for 34 months
believes to be a paying customer for a service
that BOD is not following their own rules for storage policies
asking that BOD enforces rules uniformly
that his account has never lapsed
Agrees that if he is late again, then he forfeits any storage
Pete described payment rules (due on 1st)
Tim showed evidence that Matt has paid late after grace period (after 7th: 4 times in 12 rolling months)
Billy mentioned that each member is responsible for understanding policies and bylaws
Steff comments:
Described this is not personal vendetta but enforcement of current rules and policies
Reiterated current policy of 1st due date and grace period
Stands by prior BOD decision that Matt forfeits his vault
BOD discussed the current documentation for bylaws and storage policies
Bylaws: Members must pay on time
New Business
Anodizing proposal
Kathy Cannistra sent an email on February 15th proposing to put the anodizing station in the vault hallways in the area where to grill currentlly is. Venting options would be out the door, through a new wall hole or tubed through to the paint room fan.
To be discussed at next BOD meeting
Expanding the paint room
Kathy Cannistra sent an email on February 15th proposing that we start considering how the paint room could be expanded. Air quality in the east room can be compromised when big items or large quantities of items can't fit in the paint room. This was extremely noticeable the month before christmas when a lot stuff was being made and coated with solvent based products. I propose we start considering how the paint room could be expanded in the near future for both easier painting and fiberglass work.
To be discussed at next BOD meeting
Miltronics Mill
BOD is empowering Champions to make their own decisions for their area
Reminding members that new large equipment should be first discussed with BOD
Get a parking permit please
boardmeetingagenda/2018-02-15.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/17 18:55 by marcinp