Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - October 19th, 2017
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace craft lab
Kathy H
Steff M
Tim C
Mat M
Andrian V
Marcin P
Rick S
Steve P
James T
Dan J
Tom K
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Find the current treasurer report
Space Equipment Inventory
Previous status
Kathy to ask Area Champions to update the Wiki with equipment in their area(s).
Paused due to Maker Faire, Kathy is continuing to work on it.
Building Maintenance/Issues
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Unfinished Business
Property tax exemption
Previous Status
Paperwork filed with Assessors office on 2/22
Adrian to follow up. No other update.
They didn't approve an exemption. We do not know why we were denied. Get document from Keith.
September/October 1st.
Letter for reason was dropped off, Board to review.
Can't find the original letter
Don't know the details why we were denied
We will try to continue and follow-up
New camera system
Previous Status
8 cameras online
Second new system awaiting installation
One exterior camera will be installed after awnings are installed
Bill would like one additional camera in the wood shop
Currently have three camera systems, will be adding a fourth. Do we need or want to consolidate?
Tony and Keith are working on installation/configuring.
Back hallway camera needs to be mounted.
Steffanie to follow up with Keith to figure out status.
Camera installation will be added to Space Improvement Day Projects.
Board discussed areas that may need additional cameras.
Tony offered to help get them up and running.
Delayed but will be installed over the winter.
Willie's Boat Area
Previous Status
Has Willie vacated the area yet?
Willie is almost done with a few other items to be removed.
Board is accepting proposals and will include them in the annual survey for the memberships feedback.
Signs & Awnings Outside
Previous status
Awnings on hand awaiting screen printing and warmer weather
May install during Space Improvement Day if weather is nice. Steffanie to print (in some fashion) the logo on the awning.
Steffanie is still working on it.
* Steffanie has all of the supplies and it should be done soon.
Dan did a thing with it.
Steff is “promising” they will be done by the end of Space Improvement Day.
We have the stencils, the spray paint, and the concrete anchors
Steff will have it done by 11/4
Long-term Budgeting
Previous Status
Create a list of “house projects” to establish funds for
Sit down with Tom G about price points that have previously been estimated
Call out to 3rd parties for getting estimates
Adrian and Dan are working on it
Front bar redesign
Last Status
Kathy to work on finding items to rearrange/organize the front entrance.
Tom K. and Kathy H. to work on building a new entrance design.
Have seen Kathy H. and Wolfgang working on it.
Needs Paint and Plastic for backing.
Contact membership about removing items from front project table.
Kathy going to Midland Plastics to get the acrylic.
Kathy posting to get rid of the front bar.
Membership Engagement
Last Status
Membership Engagement
Board to generate ideas for Engagement ideas.
Steff is working to setup a T-Shirt/logo design event and planning to reach out to Hal.
Ideas are still being generated.
* New Ideas
Member of Awesomeness - Free membership at the end of the year for the most recognized member.
BOD/Area Champions reimbursement at end of term if they did their job well, voted by members.
Looking for more ideas!
Newsletter on a monthy or bi weekly basis. Amber Z. and Markus S. have offered to start this project.
Follow up with Amber Z. and Markus S.
Markus S. has been delayed due to outside work.
Pete to create a template and to help Markus.
We still had low attendance at Space Improvement Day (around 10).
Kathy C to coordinate Space Improvement list email blasts to encourage continual involvement as a subcommittee of facilities.
The Board voted unanimously to move Space Improvement Days to quarterly.
October Space Improvement Day canceled.
Quarterly is to encourage fewer bigger days to generate more members.
Further encouragement of Area Champions cleaning their area.
No progress on Email Template
Should we contact individual members especially since SID is quarterly now
Raffle didn't help
Try newsletter for members-only group
Will add question to survey about potential rewards, gifts, etc for SID
Potentially reduce dues for participants
Potentially punish someone for not cleaning after reviewing the tapes
Tony: People need to know expectations for using tools and clean up afterward
Steff: People seem to not care about cleaning up
Enforce cleaning during the weekly tours
Adrian: Members (especially board) should tell people that they should be cleaning up and make sure they understand the expectations of the space
Adrian: Take a photo of their mess so that they are aware and for proof
First Aid Training
Last Status
Board to research options for training.
Discussion about Makerspace adding AED - Steff/Pete to do more research on AED.
Board reviewed legality of first aid and other training.
Pete waiting to hear back from First Aid group.
Amber Z has Lifeguard Information that she is willing to share. Will follow up with Amber Z.
Steff to follow up with Amber Z.
Amber is busy with school
Need to ask Pete if we can still get CPR training for free?
Tony: AED doesn't make sense because it is only for very specific situations and it would be quicker to get professional help instead
It takes more time to use the AED vs calling 911 and waiting for first responders
Adrian will update the emergency contact info with building address for all the phones
Member Accountability
Last Status
What to do about Member accountability
Board will continue to discuss.
Want to encourage communication with Area Champions and Membership.
Board is feeling better about the response to dangerous member behavior.
Steff: Some people are signing their own 2 week parking permits (she has photos)
Some details are omitted (expiration)
Forgery will have automatic warning from BOD
Update Parking Permit to have Printed Name of BOD or Champion
Board Members should not sign their own Parking Permits
Tim created a “Stick” GDrive for notices
Keep an eye on Cars if left unattended for more than 3 days
No oil changes
No keeping vehicles in garage for long periods of time
Adrian: Nick C needs to be formally told about the black stuff on the parking slabs
Area Champion Interest
Maker Faire projects, funding, etc. Review
Last Status
Discussed by the board.
For the future a proposal must be presented to the Maker Faire Area Champion.
Pete drafted a form for Maker Faire project proposals.
Maker Faire Area Champion felt that there was some communication challenges around type of funding (grant, loan, etc.), project ownership, and the process of requesting.
Discussion of loans, grants, etc. for funding type.
Going to poll the membership in the annual survey.
Survey has Questions especially about spending Money, Steff will send questions to BOD
Mat wants a Stick for Breach of Contract (i.e. Katana)
New Business
boardmeetingagenda/2017-10-19.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/20 03:02 by marcinp