Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - August 17th, 2017
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace craft lab
Steffanie Maher
Adrian Volden
Pete Prodoehl
Dan J,
Bill W,
Tim C,
Amber Z,
Kyle W,
Rick S,
Marcus K,
Kathy C
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Find the current treasurer report
Space Equipment Inventory
Building Maintenance/Issues
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Unfinished Business
Property tax exemption
New camera system
Previous Status
8 cameras online
Second new system awaiting installation
One exterior camera will be installed after awnings are installed
Bill would like one additional camera in the wood shop
Currently have three camera systems, will be adding a fourth. Do we need or want to consolidate?
Tony and Keith are working on installation/configuring.
Back hallway camera needs to be mounted.
Steffanie to follow up with Keith to figure out status.
Camera installation will be added to Space Improvement Day Projects.
Willy's Boat
Willy continues to to be seen working on the project.
Launch day for the boat, “LOY”, is Saturday September 2nd, 2017 around 10-11 AM at the public boat ramp near South Shore Yacht Club, 2300 E Nock St, Milwaukee, WI 53207. Lunch back at the Makerspace to follow!
Signs & Awnings Outside
Previous status
Awnings on hand awaiting screen printing and warmer weather
May install during Space Improvement Day if weather is nice. Steffanie to print (in some fashion) the logo on the awning.
Steffanie is still working on it.
Long-term Budgeting
Previous Status
Create a list of “house projects” to establish funds for
Sit down with Tom G about price points that have previously been estimated
Call out to 3rd parties for getting estimates
Adrian and Dan are working on it
Front bar redesign
Last Status
What to do with the bar by the front - Kathy
Kathy to work on finding items to rearrange/organize the front entrance.
Tom K. and Kathy H. to work on building a new entrance design.
Have seen Kathy H. and Wolfgang working on it.
Needs Paint and Plastic for backing.
Contact membership about removing items from front project table.
Membership Engagement
Last Status
Membership Engagement
Board to generate ideas for Engagement ideas.
Stephanie is working to setup a T-Shirt/logo design event and planning to reach out to Hal.
Ideas are still being generated.
New Ideas
Member of Awesomeness - Free membership at the end of the year for the most recognized member.
BOD/Area Champions reimbursement at end of term if they did their job well, voted by members.
Looking for more ideas!
Newsletter on a monthy or bi weekly basis. Amber Z and Marcus K have offered to start this project.
Follow up with Amber Z and Marcus K.
First Aid Training
Last Status
Board to research options for training.
Discussion about Makerspace adding AED - Steff/Pete to do more research on AED.
Board reviewed legality of first aid and other training.
Pete to look into first aid training.
Vault 15 flooding/stopping water from entering the Space
Member Accountability
Area Champion Interest
New Business
Air compressor dryer and bid from the roofer to repair the flashing on the roof
Request for more space from the Power Wheels Area
How should Maker Faire project funding work?
Willies Boat Space
Gaylord from trash to cash moving to south end.
Discussed the moving of various areas, adding a table workspace, a new area.
Contact membership to find out what they would like to see in that area.
Trash to cast is not a Dumping Ground! Talk to members
BOD Meeting for September moved to September 28th.
boardmeetingagenda/2017-08-17.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/18 18:08 by raster