Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - April 20th, 2017
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace craft lab
Keith McMillan
Adrian Volden
Kathy Hughett
Pete Prodoehl
Erich Zeimantz
Tom Klein
Mathew Melk
Dan J.
Steve P.
Meeting was called to order at Keith M. at 6:58 PM.
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Find the current treasurer report
Space Equipment Inventory
Previous status
Inventories from areas coming in, DL has been working with the procedure - will have done by end of year
Intends to involve area champions
pictures of equipment slowly coming in
Building Maintenance/Issues
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Space Projects Update
Wood shop dust collection
Previous status
Steve is working on the dust collector with Kyle
A cyclonic collector has been offered to the space. The board voted unanimously to approve it if the area champions want it.
Collector is here, waiting for switch to be fixed.
Unfinished Business
Property tax exemption
New camera system
Previous Status
8 cameras online
Second new system awaiting installation
One exterior camera will be installed after awnings are installed
Bill would like one additional camera in the wood shop
Currently have three camera systems, will be adding a fourth. Do we need or want to consolidate?
Tony and Keith are working on installation/configuring.
Willy's Boat
Signs & Awnings Outside
Long-term Budgeting
Previous Status
Create a list of “house projects” to establish funds for
Sit down with Tom G about price points that have previously been estimated
Call out to 3rd parties for getting estimates
Member Free Storage Space
Previous Status
Discussion of 100 sq. ft. of space per member policy already existing. Board reviewed old voting records to confirm. Board intends to start enforcing this policy.
Item to be removed from future minutes and no further action required.
New Member Sign-ups
Last Status
Require Google Groups subscription to match Wild Apricot
Board discussed automatically adding members to the members only list as web-only - add link to group to Wild Apricot
Film Dan doing The Spiel and play on a loop - filming completed on 2/28
Announce during meetings that applications need to be in before 8:30
Board agreed to ask for address verification on signups
Keith updated and shared the “how do you become a member” card/sheet with the board
Waiting for Carl to finish The Spiel loop.
Pete working on getting footage from Carl.
Keith working on switch to start and stop the loop.
Keith and Pete to work on new member hand out and how does the space run document.
New Vacuum Cleaners
Last Status
There's been discussion of needing new vacuums, but the board doesn't have a proposal in hand
Rick has proposed vacuums for carpet cleaning
There was concern that a filtering vacuum might not work as well as a bagged one with all the debris the space has
Keith has a Kirby he can donate, he will bring it in to see how it works for the space.
Keith brought in the Kirby
Gallery night
Last Status
Bay View Gallery Night participation
Paid and participating in gallery night.
Kendra and Pete signed up.
New Business
Equipment loan policy - Keith
Discussion of whether or not to allow tool loaning.
Discussion of a drafting a policy or not.
Erich to draft policy and send to the Board.
File for a Tradename on “Milwaukee Makerspace” - Dan
Adrian has requested that Dan J. be his Assistant Treasurer.
Mat Melk asked what is the Maker Faire budget.
Good of the Space
boardmeetingagenda/2017-04-20.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/26 18:18 by keithm