Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - February 23rd, 2017
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace craft lab
Keith McMillan
Harvey Matyas
Dan Jonke
Tom Kline
Carl Stevens
Chris Hemmerly
Lance Lamont
Lexie Natkin
Bill Coon
Meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Keith
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Meeting notes from the previous meeting were approved
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Dan presented the treasurers report. We currently have 279 members. Funds allocated to areas stayed relatively stable for the first time at $6-7,000.
The building purchase finally fell off the report.
Current surplus over operating costs does not appear to support a second building given the current financial assumptions.
Dan will try adding charts of the various figures reported next month to see if it makes the report easier to digest.
Space Equipment Inventory
Previous status
Inventories from areas coming in, DL has been working with the procedure - will have done by end of year
Intends to involve area champions
pictures of equipment slowly coming in
No update
Building Maintenance/Issues
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Space Projects Update
Wax sculpting for casting area
Last status
Board discussed if we need another champion.
Keith is of the opinion that not enough people can be independent in the area, requires advanced skills and only a few people have them.
Previous status
Kuka has been sold
Wood shop dust collection
Unfinished Business
Eye wash stations
Property tax exemption
Utility rates
Previous Status
No updates
New camera system
Previous Status
7 of 8 available cameras online: East Room (2), Vault Hallway (2), Outside Door 4, Wiring closet
One exterior camera will be installed after awnings are installed
Additional equipment supplied by Scott and on hand
Dan has reimbursed Scott
Bill would like one additional camera in the wood shop
Currently have three camera systems, will be adding a fourth. Do we need or want to consolidate?
Willy's Boat
Signs & Awnings Outside
Craft Lab II: Trade Craft!
Long-term Budgeting
Previous Status
Create a list of “house projects” to establish funds for
Sit down with Tom G about price points that have previously been estimated
Call out to 3rd parties for getting estimates
Adrian and Dan to work on it
No update
Member Free Storage Space
Website redesign proposal
Second Building
Last Status
Tom presented an analysis of adding a second space
Board discussed alternatives to adding a second space
Board to review the proposal and provide approval or not at next meeting or before
Tom not present - treasurers report doesn't appear to support rent on a second building
Tom and Dan to come up with some proposals to membership
Lance suggested a grant to another group to start a second space
Chris remarked that other makerspaces only give people a tote for member storage
Keith suggested we ask the members if they would pay a higher dues rate to support a second space
Lance suggested a sliding scale for rental space, with the rate going up over time
A suggestion was made to time limit rental space explicitly when the space is rented.
Dan to create a new survey for the membership
New Member Sign-ups
Last Status
Require Google Groups subscription to match Wild Apricot
Board discussed automatically adding members to the members only list as web-only - add link to group to Wild Apricot
Film Dan doing The Spiel and play on a loop
Announce during meetings that applications need to be in before 8:30
Board agreed to ask for address verification on signups
Keith will prepare a “how do you become a member” card/sheet to include address stuff, DL says she has one - Keith to check
Keith still needs to prepare “how do I join?”
Video recording of “the Spiel” scheduled for Tuesday 2/28
8:30 sign up deadline seem to be working better
New Business
Access server - Dan to replace during space improvement day, it's been crashing
Weld area champion - Dan is primary now because Marc resigned. Keith encouraged him to find another champion]
There's been discussion of needing new vacuums, but the board doesn't have a proposal in hand
Good of the Space
The meeting was adjourned at 7:51