Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - October 20, 2016
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace craft lab
Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Keith
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
The meeting minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurer's Report
Space Equipment Inventory
Previous status
Inventories from areas coming in, DL has been working with the procedure - will have done by end of year
Intends to involve area champions
New Equipment/Donations
Building Maintenance/Issues
Rik notified us that one of the building exterior grounds has come loose - email forwarded to Tom Gralewicz
Karen Pauli pointed out to Lance that there is a leak in the ceiling of the craft lab, near the vinyl cutter
Tom was seen fixing exit sign in the meeting room at last space improvement day.
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Space Projects Update
4x8 CNC Plasma Cutter
Previous status
The board discussed that the project has gone on for a very long time, and the tolerance for additional extensions is thin. All members of the board present voted unanimously to require completion of the CNC plasma cutter by November 17. If the plasma cutter is not complete, and two members trained to use it, it must be removed by the end of November.
Steve Pilon was present and had no concerns about the cutter being completed within the allocated time.
The board is in agreement that the Kuka is not serving wide enough use and intends to crowd source to the membership for contacts to then sell/remove from property.
Previous status
Jake sent an email requesting that we hold on to it as a space tool.
No longer renting floor space
Kuka is back from Maker Faire
Wood shop dust collection
Unfinished Business
Property tax exemption
Utility rates
New camera system
Previous Status
All wiring runs pulled, need termination and cameras installed
Board will look at a retention period after the camera system comes fully on line
Inter-meeting update
Willy's Boat
Willy continues to to be seen working on the project. Project continues to live.
Previous status
The board will continue to request updates and monitor the progress
Project continues to be live
Member Survey
Signs & Awnings Outside
Previous status
Tom has proposed some awnings
Tom and Carl to work on the application to the city including a drawing, Carl has photos and needs to do the drawings
Tom and Carl to add this to the member survey since the cost is close to $1000.
Craft Lab II: Trade Craft!
Long-term Budgeting
Previous Status
Adrian suggested we should be setting aside a budget for large building expenditures
Board discussed how to operationally do this, agreed we need to determine what costs to forecast
Adrian will work on this more after Maker Faire
Update 10/20/16 from Adrian , No update at this time
Maker Faire
Member Free Storage Space
Previous Status
DL expects to have all the space inventory wrapped up in the next few weeks
New pallet racks installed 8/28 - need plywood or other “floor”
Carl and Adrian to inquire with Lowes if they would give us the same discount they are providing for Maker Faire
Inter-meeting update
Vault Activity (or lack thereof)
Calendars / Class Signups / Events
Calendars are a challenge, only board members can update the GCal, the groups aren't well suited to signing up for classes, not everyone has access to update the Wiki (or the knowledge about how to do so)
Dan says the next version of Wild Apricot may very well have some help for us
Website redesign proposal
Internet Service Proposal
Pete Maher presented an internet proposal for Maker Faire at a previous meeting
Tony was present and had not update on this
Will not be brought up again until we hear back from Pete
Not-excellent Behavior
Jay Kewin came to the board in August with a report of an interaction with Jim Rawson, which made her very uncomfortable. She felt that Jim was harassing her
Jim has a history of friction with other members
Several board members have also had direct interactions with him that make this a credible report
Last Status
The board discussed whether this warranted a formal warning, or what other action we should take
Adrian will draft a letter to Jim and asking for a written response on his explanation of the encounter, with a date by which we require a response. The letter will be reviewed by the board prior to being sent.
Inter-meeting update
No further action required
New Business
Move Space Improvement Day to November 6?
Adrian is requesting to be on Treasurer standing committee under BY-LAWS, ARTICLE 4 — Board Members, SECTION 8 — Authority, Item # 6.
The Donated items from Aurora healthcare
Good of the Space
Space Improvement Day is poorly attended. I would like to find a way to encourage more people to attend. - Keith
Should we look into reconciling the members only list against wild apricot somehow, to keep members-only members only? - Keith
More, better training on areas - Keith
The meeting was adjourned at 9:07