Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - March 17, 2016
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace craft lab
Lance Lamont - President
Dan Jonke - Treasurer
Carl Stevens - Communications Director
DL Swanson - Operations
Keith McMillan - Secretary
Tom Gralewicz - Director at Large
*Larry Andersen
*Tom Klein
*Steve Pilon
*Scott Swanson
Meeting was called to order by Lance Lamont at 7:09.
Reading the Minutes of the previous meeting
The meeting minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Dan reports that we technically have 6 months of reserve ($45,000), but that includes monies for specific area funds that are commingled in the bank account.
We spent more money in 2015 than we had in dues, because of the building purchase.
Carl asked if we should pull the area funds from the bank.
Tom suggested a better approach was to create a second account.
Dan to report out on building insurance for the next meeting.
New Equipment/Donations
Larry reports that $4,000 committed towards CNC mill. He would like to write a check for $5,000 to cover his matching for the fund. He wants to get a tax write off for the donation.
Tom emailed the CPA regarding this, and the accountant says this should not be an issue. It will count towards a 2016 donation.
Lance says he's encountered resistance from the board purchasing equipment for the space, and asked for discussion. He wants the board to be aware we are setting a precedent.
Dan's position on this has changed. DL believes this is the same as a group buy, but the rest of the board believes that those are still owned by members.
Tom believes this will be a process we will need to set up.
Dan thinks that Tormach might care whether the machine is bought by the space or by members and donated to the space.
Keith pointed out that we could create a donation fund in Wild Apricot for specific donation campaigns.
DL is concerned we are able to track inventory, and suggests we should set up an asset tracking system. Dan thinks the wiki is sufficient, Lance thinks we should start setting one up now. Tom says normal procedure is to not tag anything that is expensed.
DL will look into setting up an inventory system for space equipment.
The board voted on the proposal to establish an earmarking system for member donations for group purchases, at treasurer's approval. The board voted unanimously to approve the proposal.
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
New tri-fold for the 'space
Carl got quotes for a trifold for the space. If we order 500 from FedEx would cost $313 and 250 from Digital Edge will cost $175.
Tom has a friend of the space who works for a printing company, and will get a quote for us.
Carl asked if we should change the blue color, which he selected to make it look like a blueprint. After discussion, Carl will make some minor changes and experiment and report back.
Unfinished Business
Paypal Tax Exempt Status
Dan has emailed Paypal again about our rates, and will report out if they respond.
Property tax exemption
Tom has what he needs will send in the paperwork.
Utility rates
Lance will follow up with WE Energies on our electric rates
Wild Apricot Transition
Dan has added “CNC Area” and “Metal Finishing Area” to the list of allocatable categories
The wild apricot export isn't working well with quickbooks - DL and Scott S. reported back that their former knowledge did not help. Keith has QuickBooks and will look into importing account data into QuickBooks.
Dan Added links to members portal to the homepage, and fixed member handbook to reference new payment procedures.
New camera system
Space Projects Update
4x8 CNC Plasma Cutter
Previous estimated date for completion: October 2015
Dan has pressing on this with Joe, with little result.
Mark Ownley has expressed interest, and Steve Pilon says he's now in charge of this.
Steve says electronics-wise it seems okay, but the manual are a mess, there are some structural problems that need to be resolved. He needs some help with sketches and will post out to the members group. Steve will report back on this.
The cutter has consumables that cost $50/$75, and training will include cost for a member's set, which they'll get to keep.
Current target for completion is May
Previous action item: Joe will send a certified letter to the previous Kuka owner
DL has provided Joe with text, but this seems to not have happened. DL will type one up. Lance will ask Joe for the previous owner's contact information.
Jake is currently using the Kuka for his senior project, and will graduate in August.
Dan pointed out that if we have clearance to get rid of the machine, we can dispose of it at our leisure.
DL says she mentioned getting rid of it with the new area champion.
Carl witnessed unsuccessful prints, but not correct ones
Steve says it does not print sharply
Keith asked if we were downsizing the printing area, and is the printer in the area
Lance asked what the funding was for the area
Carl thinks it would be a more useful area without the printer
The board voted unanimously to remove the large format printer
A new member who wants to make pinball machine parts, and Lance mentioned to him that we need an area champion.
Lance suggested investing some small amount of funds to buy materials so we can figure out the interest in the former
Dan says the area has $14 in it's fund
Dan says the area needs to be reorganized to make the former usable during the next space improvement day
Lance will stop in at Midland to talk with them about materials
Engine Hoist
New member orientation video
New Business
The board discussed the damage to the machine shop, and the member that did not come forward
Dan received an email from a member saying the broadcast email was not a good approach.
Carl will draft an email asking the member for an explanation of the damage
Donations via QRCodes - Keith
Add shortened
URL to the signs, and a note on where to find it on Wild Apricot
Marc wants to be primary, Dan wants out board voted unanimously to approve
Board also voted unanimously to approve Steve P as primary area champion for the CNC area, even though we believe he already was
Introduce discounted 1 year membership ($450 upfront), to reduce treasurer load. - Dan
This discount would apply only to a full membership
Any add-ons would not be discounted
The board voted unanimously to approve
Redistribute half of Pre-March woodshop funding into CNC area - Dan
This is because there used to be a single fund. When one was added for the CNC area, but it didn't make it in time for March. This would be $45.
Tom and Keith contributed $40 out of their pockets for the CNC area
The board voted unanimously to not pursue this further
Start maintaining a petty cash box in the building - Dan
Remove or Complete Phone System (911 integration?) - Lance
We have equipment in house
Lance wants them to work, or to go away
The board voted unanimously to remove the phone system
DL will follow up with Shane on a cell phone for 911 at the front desk
Music Purchase for Videos - Carl
Discuss dropping Thursday night as open to the public. - DL
She's concerned that members are having to sacrifice making time to give tours and sign up members
Carl likes that someone can become a member in one week
Dan, Lance and DL spend a lot of time on Thursday with prospective members
Tom suggested that it would be okay to not sign up members on Thursday
Lance points out that we need someone to corral the public if the public is invited
Dan suggests we are optimizing for members rather than non-members
DL suggested we have more outreach and Mr. Fixit days instead, perhaps quarterly Makers Night Out instead
Carl feels that being open twice a week makes us more accessible, and that sets a good precedent for us
DL suggested we put this on the message board and ask for someone to be Builders Night Out champion, to do meet and greet and arrange tours. This met with general concurrence from the board.
Discuss the rotating schedule for new member orientation. - DL
Discuss Schedule for Rotating Board Members at front desk on Tuesday's. - DL
go over every thing we should have access to and the basics on how to get to it and update information. I can help with some things like apricot and drive. But I know that after a year I still am not sure about some things, like the calendar and Bod Archive.
Sunday April 3 at 10:00 a.m.
Space Improvement day 2016 goals and making sure maintenance items are done. - DL
Willy's Boat. - DL
DL is concerned that the date Willy expected to complete the boat is slipping, and she asks if we need to set a due date.
The board will continue to request updates and monitor the progress
Changes to space rental policy w.r.t. late payments
The board elected to defer this to after the at-large members are elected.
Changes to bylaws and member handbook w.r.t. illegal activities undertaken by members
The board elected to defer this to the next meeting
Mandatory wearing of member badges
The board discussed a proposal from Larry, where members should be required to wear name badges in the space. The board voted unanimously that we would encourage, but not require members to wear name badges.
Situation about membership of Jay Carver
The board discussed, and a formal announcement will be forthcoming.
Member Survey
The board deferred this to the next meeting
2016/2017 BOD Goals - Lance
Member Engagement - I think the member badge contest was an overall good thing last year. Let's try to do other things to keep our members engaged and enhance the community of makers. Pot Lucks/food during cleaning days are a good thing. perhaps a contest every few months?
Dust Collection - Wood shop. The wood shop really needs much better dust collection. I'd like significant effort to focus on getting it to be a clean, safe space. -Lance
Signs & Awnings Outside - Let's go through the ordinances, contact the city, and put some beauty on the exterior of our building. -Lance
Improvements to Entryways & Meeting area - I think we can do some beautification. I have some ideas and sketches for the next board meeting if you would put it on the agenda Lance. -Carl
Update Web Site -Carl
Other potentials for the list - I'd like your thoughts on these:
The board elected to defer this item to the next meeting
Good of the Space
"Spring Fever" Maker outing - Shane
Lance wanted to mention that Shane is organizing an “outdoor” activity in the “fresh air” whatever that means
Mr Fixit Night
DL will be sending out an announcement for a Mr Fixit Night
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00