December 17, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Time: 7:00pm
Location: Craft Lab
Board Members Present: Vishal R., DL, Tom Gr., Dan J., Carl S., Lance L.
Board Members Absent: Joe R.
Meeting Started
Treasurer's Report
Wild Apricot Transition:
Building ownership/purchasing shares progress
Lawyer has ordered a title search
Won't be a problem closing by the end of the month
Tom asked if we would like to throw a closing party.
Vote- Allocate $200 for a building purchase party on Jan 1st, 2016. (6) yes, (1) abstain (Joe R.)
Building Topics
Member/Space Projects Update
Dust collection system
Tom may have a lead for ducting
DL said that there is a blower up for grabs
Brant is making cyclone dust collector
New equipment/donations
Communications & Events
Any topics from members who are present