October 15, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Time: 7:00pm
Location: Craft Lab
Board Members Present: Lance L., Joe R., Vishal R., Dan J., Tom Gr., Deboralynn S.
Board Members Absent: Felisha W.
Meeting Started
Treasurer's Report
Previous Action Item: Dan to review Paypal accounts and what fees we can use now that we're a non profit - waiting on Paypal Customer Service
No Updates on this topic. Dan has been spending his time on the Wild Apricot transition.
Wild Apricot Transition:
DL imported Keys. - Done. Will have storage info completed by 10/17
There will be a single sign on for wild apricot, makerspace wordpress site, and the wiki.
Dan will add a button on the site for the member portal
Dan mentioned that the transition has gone well
The rest of the membership will be transitioned this weekend
Dan will write a new cheat sheet for the sign up process
* Tax Exemption has been setup for Weld Specialties
* Action Item for Lance - Write a thank you letter to our wonderful snow plower and offer tax exempt letter
Building ownership/purchasing shares progress
Building Topics
Member/Space Projects Update
New equipment/donations
New member orientation
The participation has been very low
Joe mentioned that we should post posters
Tom will do the orientation this month
Vishal suggested switching it to Thursday night.
Tom suggested roving nights. Switch between Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Tom suggested that storage could be assigned at the end of the orientation
Lance mentioned that new members might have to wait almost a month before they get their shelves
Joe thinks it helps build the community
Lance suggested that maybe members shouldn't be able to sign up till they go through an orientation
Tom brought up the topic of a video recording the training instead
DL mentioned that she has some great software to do it
Vishal suggested that the video shouldn't be longer than 15 minutes
Tom and Lance are willing to do the voiceover
DL, Lance, and Tom will work on content
Winter is coming
DL suggested a new rubber backed carpet for the main door
Joe inquired about renting the carpets so a service could replace and clean them for us
Joe suggests that we should get a 4×8
DL will send dollar numbers for carpet purchase
Tom mentioned that we should have carpets on the ramp as well. Rubber mats don't capture enough.
Tom will call a mat service to get some numbers
Any topics from members who are present
Joe suggested a CAD/Computer station for the space
Dan suggested the pinball area
Lance mentioned that the ChipKit class would have gone smoother if computers were already setup with the correct software and drivers
Tom thinks that this is a good idea and we should think through it
Tom suggested putting it in one of the vaults
Joe mentioned that he liked that social aspect of having the tables in the classroom
Tom suggested putting the computers underneath the conference table
There will be more discussion on this topic.