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January 15, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Time: 6:30pm
Location: Lenox, Meeting Room

  • All members are welcome to attend, and non-board members can join the conversation when invited


6:34 - Treasurer's Report (December)

  • Before getting started Lance asked if anyone had any questions and JonH inquired as to why he wasn't born more attractive
  • Both DanJ and JoeR drafted Treasurer's Reports for December
  • Dan indicated that can't break out the Paypal or Dwolla fees
  • Dan and Joe compared their reports and noted a $200 income discrepancy, which Joe said he would fix
  • Dan noted it's not clear when Dwolla posts transactions
  • Joe noted the December non-routine expenses included one-time reimbursements to Tom for the non-profit IRS application and to Brant for several receipts
  • Lance asked about reports for October and November, Joe said they should be ready to go
  • Dan asked if the reports should be posted on the MMS Announcements List as well as the Member's Only List
  • Brant noted that the BOD had not yet defined what the MMS Announcements List should be used for; whether it is for members or the public also
  • Lance indicated the Announcements List should be used to announce events and policy changes that affect the whole membership
  • Lance asked that the Announcements List be used very sparingly, keep it low noise so members won't want to unsubscribe
  • Lance suggested we create a monthly digest-email to post on that list
  • Tiffany suggested Vishal collect topics from the Board and compile them into emails to send out
  • Tom thought the emails could be weekly if necessary, but no more frequent than that
  • ACTION ITEM FOR ALL: Begin sending topics to Vishal for use in digest-emails
  • ACTION ITEM FOR VISHAL: Begin collecting and posting regularly scheduled digest-emails to Announcements List
  • ACTION ITEM FOR BRANT: Update billing spreadsheet with Square account info

6:43 - Building ownership/purchasing shares report progress

  • Tom reported that our lawyer is opening a new law firm
  • While they will not be able to do pro-bono work for us, they will likely be comfortable giving us a discount for their services
  • Tom noted that the lawyer is looked into the feasibility of a land-trust between MMIG and MoMI
  • Tom said the last appraisal of the building was fairly recent (less than 5 years ago) but if MoMI wanted a new appraisal that is possible too
  • MMIG can provide MoMI with copies of the previous appraisal if so desired
  • A new appraisal would likely cost $3,000-5,000
  • Tom indicated that the building is currently assessed at $352,800 and MMIG has invested about $362,000
  • The terms of a loan or mortgage are neogiatable and we can avoid more paperwork as long as the rates are kept close to the current real estate market rates
  • Tom said a title search was done when we moved in, but the space could opt for another if they like
  • A new title search would likely cost $1,000
  • Our lawyer said the whole process could likely take 12 weeks from beginning to close
  • Total closing costs would not include expenses like title insurance or new appraisals
  • There is a 0.3% property tax filing fee but we may be exempt as a non-profit, more research is needed
  • Combining both MMIG and MoMI's liability insurance policies could save both groups some money, but likely not more than $500 per year
  • OLD ACTION ITEM: Tom and Joe to continue researching ways that MoMI could buy the building if the members decide to do so

6:46 - Non-profit, 501c3 status

  • Tom said we are still awaiting IRS approval
  • IRS may want our 2014 tax information early as part of the review process
  • It will likely be 2-4 months before we are approved
  • SteveP asked if that is the final approval before we are a non-profit officially and Tom said yes

6:48 - Quicken, accounting software progress

  • Lance and ChrisH have been reviewing software used by gyms to manage memberships
  • Some features in gym software are similar to our needs; tracking classes, dues, security badges, etc.
  • Tom asked that we focus on the accounting functions of any software; emphasized the need for accrual accounting over cash accounting for analyzing real cash flow
  • Lance said most software can export figures to Quicken
  • Vishal mentioned 'Wild Apricot' software used by other makerspaces; it can send emails, provide web portals for members to manage their own individual accounts, has good API support
  • Vishal said it is commercial software with a subscription model, at the minimum we'd need a version with features that costs $50/month
  • Vishal, Dan, and Tom spoke about exporting invoice and member data from our current software
  • Dan has had more luck than previous attempts to extract data from the current app, cited database linking as his main obstacle
  • Other obstacles include no direct link between membership levels and users; user are associated with invoices which are associated with member levels
  • Tom was interested in making sure we keep regular backups
  • Lance noted we could tweak the data exported from the app manually for use in Quicken, but Vishal and Dan thought it may be easier than that
  • Lance asked if we should continue research on new software, Joe and Tom both agreed
  • Tom asked if we needed a newer version of Quickbooks and suggested we consider matching funds if a newer version was needed; current version we have is 2009
  • Vishal said Wild Apricot needs 2002 or later so we're good
  • Tom said 2009 supports remote access but you need a VPN
  • Dan expressed interest in setting up a remote client
  • Tom said he's experienced with Quickbooks, but he'd be comfortable using something else if the group decides
  • Tiffany mentioned huge diversity of storage options may be a problem for us to track in software, but Vishal didn't think it would be a problem
  • Vishal said we could run ReminderBot off the Wild Apricot website if desired
  • Any board member would be able to run invoice open/closing scripts without needing to know the coding
  • Vishal also said we could possibly offer semi-blind or blind emails between members, cloud messaging and mailboxes
  • Tiffany reminded the group that not all our members are tech-savvy and may struggle with software apps
  • Vishal offered to continue research on this topic
  • ACTION ITEM FOR VISHAL: Continue research on new member software

Policies and Procedures

7:01 - Reminder to differentiate personal vs. Board communications

  • Lance asked everyone to help avoid confusion when sending emails and indicate when someone is speaking for the BOD, or as a Board Member, or as an individual
  • Lance gave the example of his two accounts; one is personal and the other has (President) in the title
  • Vishal and Tom felt that differentiating doesn't matter to most members, they read it as being from a person without context
  • Brant agreed with Lance and said it's good practice and we should at least try
  • Tom suggested people preface their emails with “As a Board Member” or “As a member” before statements
  • Dan thinks that 95% of the time this isn't a problem, but it's the 5% that causes issues
  • Lance did not think a vote was necessary as this was just a suggestion

7:06 - Clarifications of the role of Operations Director

  • Lance explained that there has been confusion and disagreements regarding the duties of the Operations Director
  • In an effort to better define the role, Lance asked Tom and Tiffany to write an email with a list of duties they thought the Operations Director should have
  • Lance received one email from Tom, but nothing from Tiffany
  • Tiffany indicated that she had been overwhelmed lately
  • Lance read Tom's email which cited the two requirements laid out in the By-Laws and then went on to include:
    • following up on parking tickets
    • tracking storage spaces
    • working with members to label their storage items
    • impartially organize the space to accommodate the majority of members
    • work with area champions
  • Tiffany said that she agreed with all of Tom's statements
  • Lance asked Tiffany if he could send Tom's definitions to the BOD mailing list for further review and she agreed
  • ACTION ITEM FOR LANCE: Send the list of Operations Director duties to the BOD mailing list for approval (This was completed before the end of the meeting)

7:10 - Area Champion Duties/Responsibilities Document

  • Lance asked if there had been any progress since November
  • Tiffany said for now she is trying out the supply lists that Charles posted around the space
  • Vishal noted he is working on getting the supplies that were requested by members
  • Tiffany thought that the Wood Shop needed a donation box, which Steve and Vishal said they are working on
  • Tom suggested they start simple and can improve on later
  • Tom asked what other areas need donation boxes that don't already have them
  • Steve asked what the meeting room donation box was for, Tiffany replied general donations
  • Vishal said he would make 5 typical donation boxes and which spaces need them could get one
  • ChrisH donated several sheets of 3mm Baltic Birch to Vishal for the project
  • Tiffany offered some plywood sheets that had been donated to the space by a former member for storage shelf labels
  • Joe asked if an Area Champions Duties Document was needed
  • Vishal said the supply lists are a great start and may be enough
  • Tom said we should try to articulate the expectations to Area Champions better
  • Tiffany asked if there was anything Area Champions aren't aware they can do like sign for East Room parking permits
  • Lance and Vishal searched for the document that Tiffany and Tom had worked on then Lance read it aloud for the group
  • Lance was generally accepting of the document, but had a concern over a requirement that Area Champions be available to train others upon request
  • Vishal asked if the Board should be able to pick Champions
  • Lance said he didn't think the Board should dictate who is a Champion, however they could approve or decline people who volunteer
  • Vishal stated he didn't want to make the process harder for volunteers
  • Steve suggested if the Board has a way to approve Champions, they should have a way to de-approve them
  • Lance said he primary concern is making sure Champions understand when they have the freedom to act on their own and when to involve the Board or others
  • Tom and Dan discussed the “bigger than a breadbox” rule of thumb we've been using for people who wish to bring in new equipment; small tools didn't need Board involvement but large ones did
  • Dan asked if one person was able to carry it by themselves, could that be a reasonable rule
  • Dan also considered dimensions like 1 foot by 1 foot by 2 feet or 70 pounds maximum
  • Tom said that if it fits in a locker, it's probably fine
  • Tiffany suggested we use 4 cubic feet in volume with no set dimensions, Lance liked that idea
  • Tiffany asked that if Champions needed to request furniture or storage shelving be approved for their areas and the response was mixed, needed to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis
  • The final document revisions were agreed on as follows:
    • Items greater than 4 cubic feet in volume or greater than 70 lbs. require Board approval before being brought into the Space
    • Area Champions should be available a minimum of twice each month for training others
    • The Board has the authority to approve or disapprove of Area Champions who volunteer; only a simple majority of the Board is needed
  • Lance asked that the Board review the final document, then he would share it with the current Area Champions for their feedback prior to it being voted on and enacted as policy
  • ACTION ITEM FOR TIFFANY: Revise Area Champions Duties Document as noted in this meeting

7:31 - Multiple Area Champions

  • Dan asked if we should continue the two Champion system, he felt we should
  • Steve said that he and Vishal have been working well together and if they disagreed they would ask the Board for guidance
  • Lance noted that sometimes the Board is looking for feedback from a Champion and a Primary Champion is needed to definitively represent the area
  • Tiffany said there should be agreement between all Champions of an area
  • Tom noted that having a Primary Champion would avoid hearsay when Champions disagree or don't communicate
  • Lance noted a situation where two Champions were on different pages
  • Tiffany said that some areas will likely need more than 1 Area Champion
  • Lance agreed and said that as long as there's a Primary Area Champion the others could help out

7:31 - Call for a Vote of No Confidence, By-Laws

  • Lance asked if anyone had questions regarding our By-Laws with respect to a VONC
  • Lance said we should be as conservative and stringent as possible in interpreting the By-Laws
  • Dan said his intent during the last set of By-Laws Revisions was to require 50% of the whole membership be involved in removal or VONC votes; not just 50% of whomever submits a vote
  • RickB asked if the Board adheres to parliamentary procedure or Robert's Rules of Order
  • Lance, Dan, and Vishal said no we do not
  • RickB indicated that parliamentary procedure negates policies have never been achieved before such as requiring 50% of the members to participate in a vote if it hasn't happened in the past
  • Tom said that when we were still at Chase it was common to get participation up to 100% since we were only 20-30 people
  • ChrisH stated that the By-Laws don't consistently indicate simple majorities are needed of the whole membership or just participating voters
  • Vishal and Dan reviewed Sections 5 and 7 of the By-Laws for Chris
  • Dan asked that all seven Board Members agree here that 50% of the entire membership was needed for a VONC and they all agreed
  • Lance reiterated that we should interpret the By-Laws as stringently as possible to be fair to everyone

7:31 - Call for a Vote of No Confidence, Integrity of the Vote

  • Lance indicated he was contacted via email and in-person by people who were concerned about reprisals against them if they vote was known publicly
  • Lance noted this is a very serious concern and he was saddened that it was an issue
  • Lance said he does not believe any of the current membership can be involved with the administration of voting in order to satisfy all parties involved that the vote will be fair and impartial
  • Vishal indicated that he could set up a separate email account for one non-board member to review and tally all the votes from members who receive secure, blind emails
  • Brant and Joe both asked if there were any non-board members who could be trusted with this task
  • Joe suggested JasonG mediate the vote due to his previous Board experience and programming skill, adding he's been critical of this Board but knows the system and how it works
  • Tom and Brant disagreed, Brant added that we should likely consider people entirely outside of the membership
  • Tom offered to contact our lawyer to ask about mediation services and 3rd parties
  • Tiffany asked if Bucketworks could be asked to mediate, but Lance and Vishal noted there are relationships between members in both groups that may bias some people
  • Lance suggested a notary public, but Tom said they don't have confidentiality agreements like lawyers
  • RickB suggested a lawyer he knows, but conflicts may exist there as well
  • Lance emphasized that no matter the outcome, he wants there to be no doubts the voting was fair
  • Rick suggested a legal mediation service
  • Lance and Tom indicated they would be willing to pay for mediation service by a 3rd party
  • They may need to pay out of their own pockets so as not to ask the Space fund it
  • Tiffany said she would feel bad if this vote costs the Space money
  • Steve asked how double voting would be caught by a 3rd party and Tom said people might have to come in person to vote
  • Rick asked if people who don't care if their vote is publicly known would have to adhere to any given voting method
  • Tiffany said she took issue with our usual voting methods for this VONC vote because she does not personally want to know who voted for or against the VONC
  • Tom said written ballots may be needed to ensure no double voting
  • Tiffany said proxy voting should not be allowed for the VONC
  • Lance said we've already received one person who proxied their vote and he told them we would let them know when the voting process was worked out if a proxy could be used
  • Tiffany asked that since the VONC is proceeding, can people on the forums be asked to stop discussing it
  • Tiffany asked if her and the Board can state their final views without further discussion prior to the vote
  • MattN noted that we've locked threads before without adverse affects
  • ChrisH disagreed and said there have been adverse affects, but not everyone was aware of them, complaints from members of censorship and favoritism
  • Joe reiterated that he thinks we have members who can be impartial and proctor the vote, he was opposed to involving a 3rd party from outside the group
  • Lance felt very strongly that no members or Board Members ever know the individual votes and who they are from
  • Vishal asked if he could send an email to the global Hackerspaces website forum asking if any other spaces have needed to employ a 3rd party mediation service
  • Tiffany objected, but Vishal indicated he would not use any names and only ask about the sort of situation we're dealing with
  • Lance volunteered to contact some mediation services on his day off tomorrow and get quotes
  • ACTION ITEM: Lance to contact 2-3 mediation services and get quotes to proctor a vote (Emails sent, awaiting responses)
  • ACTION ITEM: Lance to email members and request VONC no longer be discussed on forums (This has been completed)

Check on progress of Building Topics/Projects

7:55 - Metal Shop Reorg

  • Adrian explained how he plans to rearrange machines in the Metal Shop for better workflow
  • Adrian plans to have floor plans ready by the 1/20/15
  • Adrian is currently taking inventory of all machines in the shop before he speaks with some groups and gets member feedback
  • Tiffany asked if the bench grinders should move to the Finishing Area, Adrian said that is likely but yet to be determined
  • Adrian plans to bring AutoCAD drawings and large format drawings to do “paper doll” mock ups and planning

7:58 - Wiring

  • ChrisH brought in conduit for the meeting room outlet
  • Joe is waiting for warmer weather to source wiring from his barn
  • Tom said his first priority is the outlets for the meeting room and craft lab, then wood shop and metal shop
  • Steve noted there will be some wood shop reorganization once the CNC 4×8 is done
  • Steve asked Tom if a 3-phase power feed could be installed, Tom said yes
  • Tiffany noted we have some abandoned 2'x4' fluorescent light fixtures, Tom said he could use them in the Electronics Lab at workstations/tables
  • Lance, Chris and Tom discussed Meeting Room lights and relocating or disabling the two fixtures at the projection screen
  • Tom said he was planning on trading out the fixtures at the screen for two with pull-chain switches so they could be more easily turned off without removing lamps
  • Lance said we could consider upgrading the Meeting Room with nicer stage or theater lighting
  • ChrisH ask that Tom claim the abandoned fixtures Tiffany mentioned and the backfill with new if needed in spots
  • Dan noted one bad fixture by the garage door needs looking at
  • Dan asked what size wire Tom needed for the Red Dragon and Tom said #6 due to the amperage
  • OLD ACTION ITEM FOR TOM: Work on wiring for general outlets for Meeting Room and Wood Shop
  • OLD ACTION ITEM FOR JOE AND TOM: Work on wiring for Red Dragon CNC

8:04 - Snow Removal

  • East Wisconsin Services has been out to plow and salt, no problems so far
  • When asked Adrian told the plow guy to plow around any cars left overnight if he encounter any
  • No one has seen a bill arrive yet
  • Lance asked if anyone has been checking the mail regularly and Brant said he usually does

Storage Inventory Update

  • Tiffany indicated that the inventory is complete and she is working with Joe to merge two spreadsheets
  • Tiffany noted the floor rentals and Vaults have not been done yet
  • Tom and Lance asked if the wiki had been updated
  • Tiffany indicated it had not
  • Dan and Lance noted the wiki has an add-on to better edit tables in pages
  • Tiffany noted she doesn't know how to use tables
  • Dan noted the major flaw in the add-on is that you can't simply copy and paste cells from Excel to the wiki
  • Tiffany asked if we could just upload screenshots of the spreadsheet as pictures on the wiki
  • Tom asked how often screenshots would need to be updated
  • Dan and Brant both offered to get the info from the spreadsheet on to the wiki
  • Lance agreed and felt the info should be hosted on the wiki for members to see
  • Tiffany noted concerns over moving the info over to new billing software
  • Brant noted there are only 12-15 people renting pallet or shelf space and the rest are floors and vaults, it shouldn't be a huge effort
  • Tiffany said we needed to track free storage in the billing software
  • Dan asked why and Tiffany replied that it would be necessary to determine when people have more than one storage option and ensure they pay for anything additional
  • Lance suggested adding a column in the spreadsheet to track what is free and what is paid for
  • Brant asked what would be the easiest approach
  • Joe said he would prefer editing it on the wiki so he can compare and contrast two reports at once
  • Vishal asked if a member would be able to maliciously edit the wiki to get free storage or take space they wanted from others
  • Brant noted that Tiffany had claimed that members would never update the wiki on their own but also that she was afraid members might do that, version control on the wiki would help stop that
  • Joe said we should use the wiki as the master document and Lance agreed
  • Tiffany asked if other Board Members would help keep the wiki up to date and several agreed
  • Dan said in 15 months he hasn't seen anyone edit the wiki which resulted in someone trying to avoid paying for additional storage
  • Felisha noted that she found some Excel-to-wiki add-ons available, but they were for media-wiki and we have doku-wiki
  • Tiffany asked if the wiki will keep filters she uses in the spreadsheet, Lance and Brant both said no
  • Lance noted it's possible to copy and paste from the wiki to Excel, but not the other way
  • Dan volunteered to help with invoices and ensure members are paying the right amounts for storage
  • Joe, Lance, and Vishal discussed the members who were grandfathered-in with a full pallet space for having military memberships
  • Tiffany asked that any military memberships with a full pallet be contacted and address manually in the billing system
  • Dan suggested sending a blanket email to all previous military members and ask them to tell us if they're still using the full pallet or not
  • Vishal created a list of all people who had military memberships and sent it to the BOD mailing list for review
  • VOTE: All 7 Board Members agreed the wiki will be considered the master document for member storage

8:21 - Member Storage Labeling

  • Tiffany discussed the new numbering system and the need for a place or way to write names
  • Tiffany said we need more Baltic Birch to create labels and name tags
  • Brant asked if we should label the storage shelves and pallets, etc. with vinyl rather than laser-cut wood signs
  • Lance and others considered asking members to hang their name tags at their storage rather than by the Laser Lab
  • Brant suggested each member create two name tags, one for them to wear and the other for their storage, but others noted that may not be best either
  • Tiffany asked if not wood signs, then would be used for the storage designation and member name
  • Brant said we could label the storage itself with vinyl and then use something like a P-touch label maker to tag people's names
  • Brant said he'd work on vinyl or labels with Tiffany
  • ACTION ITEM FOR BRANT: Work on labeling storage designations and names

8:29 - Proposed East/West Room Changes

  • Tiffany noted the last two lockers have been moved from the Vault Hallway into where the Arduino parade float sides were in the Hallway
  • Lance and others considered what to do with the Arduino boards, there had been talk of hanging them up somewhere but no one had taken the time to do in several months
  • The group generally agreed they had hung around long enough and could be disposed of and Adrian offered to move them to the dumpster
  • Tiffany, Steve, MattN, Bret, and JonH met last night
  • Tiffany shared the following documents in the meeting:
  • Tiffany noted the Jewelry Area should be called Non-Ferrous Metals Area
  • Tom noted that the proposed changes are dependent on the 4×8 CNC being completed
  • Vishal asked who was willing to build on to the Kuka enclosure and MattN and Steve volunteered
  • Tiffany suggested a pallet rack be moved into the West Room for use by the Power Wheels and Casting equipment
    • Tiffany thought it would help keep Power Wheels storage out of the way during the off season
    • Joe indicated he didn't like the idea of any storage in the West Room
    • Dan said the Casting stuff is mostly dead storage and is only pulled out when needed
    • Tom didn't think the Casting stuff would all fit on one section of pallet racking
    • Lance pointed out that Power Wheels is the only area dedicated to a single project and not a process
    • Lance asked why Power Wheels wasn't considered for storage only and not a workspace
    • Tom said that during the season, Power Wheels parts and tools get strewn throughout the shop and regulating it to its own space was supposed to help contain the clutter
    • Brant thought that it made sense to store the Power Wheels so close to the welders and tools
    • Lance agreed and said it increased the likelihood the Power Wheels would be put away more often and Dan also agreed
    • Vishal indicated that Power Wheels are revolving group projects and there's no consistent champion from year to year
    • Tom noted that we have more floor space dedicated to one person making armor than we do multiple people building Power Wheels and Dan agreed with that assessment
    • Vishal asked how many people are regularly involved with Power Wheels but the answer wasn't clear yet for 2015
    • RickB noted a Power Wheels area should be supported because it represents/promotes Milwaukee Makerspace to a lot of people
  • Tom noted he didn't think the watch area needed as much space was Tiffany has shown
    • JonH said he was envisioning just a strip along the wall common to the Kuka room
    • Tom noted it amounts to about 50 sq ft on the drawing
    • Joe said he was OK giving the Non-Ferrous Metals Area more room since it is getting cramped and sees a lot of use
  • Joe asked if we could put Power Wheels up on pallets when not being worked on
    • JonH suggested a hanging bike rack of sorts
    • RickB suggested Power Wheels get put on rolling carts so they're at a good working height but also easily relocated
    • Brant agreed with Rick and suggested any pallet racking added to the West Room be set up so carts could be stored beneath the first rack
    • Lance doesn't want cars left out if they care given pallet racking space
    • Tiffany suggested that if it's a problem in 2015 then the Power Wheels team loses their work area
    • Adrian asked if anyone is a Power Wheels Area Champion already and the answer was no
    • Tiffany and Rick both expressed interest in becoming the Power Wheels Area Champions
    • Tom noted that he does not plan to race this year and Audrey moved away so we should determine who is interested in racing
    • Lance suggested someone start a mini Power Wheels racing series locally to encourage members to get involved and build cars
    • Brant said he doesn't want the Board or Milwaukee Makerspace to get into a position where it is obligated to participate in Power Wheels; it should be member interests
  • Tiffany asked if there is a plan for the leather working tools
    • Brant noted that Shane has been sorting the tools and materials that were donated
    • Rick said you don't need a ton of space, just a toolbox or shelf
    • Brant asked if the leather supplies would need to be stored somewhere clean like the Craft Lab storage room, but Rick said that might may other things in there dirty
    • JonH said he'd be OK storing leatherworking tools and materials in the Non-Ferrous Area
  • Joe and Brant suggested leaving the power wheels as-is for now
  • Joe asked about using the second forge
    • Dan said it needs to be converted and plumbed for natural gas instead of propane
    • Dan indicated the forge area could be set up more efficiently and that he doesn't want to take up any more space than necessary
    • Dan also recused himself from any forge decisions
    • Joe asked if the forge area should be made bigger so more than one person could use it at a time
    • Joe raised concerns about casting and forging stuff being moved out into the drive aisle
    • Dan said not all of the stuff that ends up in the drive aisle has been forging or casting related
    • Brant said the yellow tape Ron put down months ago was good, but there is such high traffic it was all tore up, Dan thought the floor hadn't been cleaned well enough for the tape to adhere
    • Dan and Lance discussed painting lines for the drive aisle
    • Dan offered to re-epoxy the floor in the forge area, Tom and Lance both supported that idea
  • Tiffany lobbied for the Power Wheels to be relocated into the West Room
    • Tiffany said she left her car in the West Room last year because of proximity to the tools, not the welders
    • Tom noted the original intent was for Power Wheels to have their own tools that would remain in the work area, but that never happened
    • Steve agreed with Tom and noted tools from the shop frequent got left in the Power Wheels area and people had trouble finding them
    • Rick offered a snowmobile trailer he had been planning to sell for use by Power Wheels
    • Vishal asked Tom if the official PPPRS van could be used as temporary or permanent storage instead of a shop area inside the building
    • Dan thought our parking spaces were too limited and valuable to give up
    • The group generally agreed that if the PPPRS team doesn't maintain the new proposed Power Wheels area in 2015, then they would re-evaluate it in October and possibly give it up
  • Steve asked about the 4×8 CNC and the CNC room
  • Steve asked where the panel saw was moving, it was not clear at this time and was not included on the proposed floor plan
  • Vishal asked that people meet to discuss a revised proposal after a Tuesday meeting and not only via email, face-to-face would be best
  • ACTION ITEM FOR TIFFANY: Rewrite proposal and floor plan for West/East Room Reorg

9:07 - Temporary Vault Hallway Overflow Storage

  • Tiffany said that space in the East Room is being opened up
  • Lance noted he's OK with items simply being tagged as part of the Overflow Storage and then located wherever space is available
  • Tiffany said she'd add floor storage to the spreadsheet
  • ACTION ITEM FOR TIFFANY: Add floor storage to the spreadsheet

9:09 - Impound Lot Area

  • Tom asked if the scrap metal box/gaylord container should remain in the Impound Lot and people generally agreed it should
  • Brant asked if the AirTran stanchions should be used to frame it out and that seemed acceptable to others

9:10 - Relocating Watch Parts

  • Brant noted MattJ, Charles, and JonH were discussing this on Tuesday
  • Tiffany agreed to send an email to Matt and Charles about collapsing the folding table in the East Room and consolidating the rest of the watch parts
  • ACTION ITEM FOR TIFFANY: Email MattJ and Charles about remaining watch parts
  • OLD ACTION ITEM FOR CHARLES: Determine how to give empty watch part cabinets away to those who are interested by Jan 7, 2015

9:12 - Long Materials Storage Proposal

  • Lance shared a 3D model of a design he's been working on
  • Tiffany asked Bill^2 if the metal hack rack and long materials storage should move closer to the Impound Lot and other hack rack
  • Lance and Tom said the long storage should probably be closer to the 4×8 CNC and panel saw for sheets, likely West Room
  • Lance noted he was designing this storage rack “space agnostically” so it could be potentially located anywhere
  • Tiffany offered to help build the long storage rack with Lance
  • Tom and Joe said more bracing is needed on Lance's design, Dan noted we have metal rod that could be used
  • Tom is concerned about conduit bending under load or impact
  • Tiffany suggested 2×4's
  • Tom suggested box channels, but Lance wanted round material to make sliding sheets in and out easier
  • Joe suggested 3/4“ Schedule 40 black steel gas pipe be used
  • Tom noted it would be a lot of work, but he has 300+ feet of abandoned steam piping in his Oak Creek building that could be demolished and used to build the long storage rack, a handheld band saw is the best method for removal
  • Joe asked if the long storage rack would be used for member storage, Tiffany and Lance said not usually, only temporary for sheets with parking permits
  • Vishal said he would support $200 in Board funding if needed
  • Tom would like to see it built out of better materials so it lasts
  • Joe and Tom noted this plan also depends on the 4×8 CNC and long storage rack being finished
  • Lance agreed that we can re-evaluate when ready and take a vote then
  • No vote was taken at this time

9:22 - Electric Kiln

  • Brant and Tom working to add exhaust fan in pottery area
  • Tom bought a sheet metal hood at an auction
  • No other progress at this time

9:22 - Last Vault Hallway Lockers Moved

  • Tiffany would like to offer the extra filing cabinets to JonH and DL
  • Brant said JonH was already offered cabinets and was interested in at least one
  • ACTION ITEM FOR TIFFANY: Email DL and offer filing cabinets for pottery area

9:23 - Member Request for Electronics Lab Supplies

  • Adam sent a list of supplies wanted to the member's only list, but BOD has not responded
  • Lance said the Board would review this again on the BOD mailing list
  • Adrian asked if matching funds should apply and Vishal noted that's usually reserved for new tools and not consumables; Adam was asking for consumables

Check on progress of Member/Space Projects

9:24 - 4x8 CNC Plasma Cutter

  • Joe indicated that the X, Y, and Z axes were moving and the cable chain has been installed
  • Wiring and sensors are ready to be installed
  • Joe estimated it would take 2 months to complete
  • Before it cuts any metal he has to determine how the plasma cutter will be mounted and used
  • ACTION ITEM FOR JOE: Complete wiring and tweak motion along axes, complete project

9:26 - 4x8 CNC Router

  • Steve said he's trying to finish before he goes back to school on 1/24/15
  • Steve has mounted the power chains
  • The vacuum table will not be ready this month, but the MDF surface will accept clamps
  • Lance noted the difference between completed and functional and asked about 2 trainers and the wiki documentation
  • Steve understood and said he should be able to meet the goals of completion also
  • MattN offered to be one of the two trainers and suggested EdC might also
  • Steve said he doesn't like the PVC valves he bought for the vacuum table as they leak too much, looking for alternative
  • ACTION ITEM FOR STEVE: Tweak motion along axes, complete project

9:30 - Kuka

  • Lance and Matt are working together on it
  • Matt said some guest that visited this week was knowledgeable about motor drives and said Adrian's VFD was sized OK
  • Matt and Lance are making progress on the demo project, but they will wait to replace the Hitachi router with the spindle
  • Matt said the software crapped out last week when they were almost done
  • Lance indicated the software is very powerful, especially for being free to makerspaces
  • Lance indicated that he and Matt decided a 18”x14“x14” dome would be cut instead of a sphere on a stick
  • Tiffany asked why they weren't making a sphere anymore
  • Matt and Lance explained the Kuka has the ability to swarf (machine perpendicular to a 3-D surface, see this link for an example) and this is still something our other machines can't do
  • Matt said he could have 2 trainers and the wiki updated within 2 weeks
  • ACTION ITEM FOR MATT: Complete demo project with Lance, get two trainers, update wiki

9:35 - "Red Dragon" RA-1F Vertical Mill update

  • Tom noted wiring was discussed earlier in this meeting
  • Coolant and oil systems are working
  • Joe got a $600 quote on all the machine fluids, they could be $600 per year but he was doing more research and doesn't plan to ask the Space for any funding yet
  • Tom said it's operational currently, but they're investigating a possible spindle motor bearing issue that should take time and effort to fix not money

9:37 - Cold Saw

  • Tom said this project is done, 5 people trained and 2 trainers
  • Tom is updating the wiki shortly

9:38 - Induction Furnace

  • Tom contacted a guy about manuals and info and got a response, more to come soon
  • Tom was considering locating the furnace on a pallet so it could be moved out of the building when used
  • Tiffany asked if it could be moved or relocated as needed for other projects or Maker Faire storage
  • Tom offered to move it as needed and take the vacuum chamber to Oak Creek since it won't likely be used
  • Tom said he needs to secure the controls cabinet to a column or wall since it is top heavy, tips easily

9:39 - Large format plotters

  • Steve said a new member is working on one of the printers, but he couldn't remember the guy's name
  • Tiffany asked if we still needed the photo printer
  • Steve said we'd need to get a service tech out to look at it and get a quote on repairs if we keep it
  • Steve could not find replacement cartridges for the photo printer like he did the others
  • Steve said EdH donated the photo printer and he could contact EdH about removing it
  • ACTION ITEM FOR STEVE: Email EdH about removing the photo printer from the space, copy info@ account

9:42 - Floor sweeper

  • Tom took the floor sweeper to Oak Creek and let the prospective buyer try it out
  • They haven't made an offer yet, so Tom dropped the price to $400 and will wait a week for them to respond
  • OLD ACTION ITEM: Tom to follow up with the BOD once an offer is received

New equipment/donations

9:43 - Leather working tools

  • We spoke about these earlier in the meeting
  • Currently in East Room on flat bed cart
  • Tom asked if they could be taken off the cart so it was free for others to use
  • ACTION ITEM FOR VISHAL: Tiffany asked that Vishal add a reminder to not bogart the flat bed carts when he sends out the first digest email on the Announcements List

9:44 - Machine shop desk/tooling space request progress

  • Robert H. will be given the go ahead to move his stuff to the Vault Hallway
  • This is personal storage, not group tools
  • ACTION ITEM FOR TIFFANY: Contact Robert H. about moving his stuff to its new home (This has been completed)


No events discussed.

Any topics from members who are present

9:04 - Metal Anodizing Area

  • Rick gave an update for the anodizing area and said dyes would likely cost $200
  • Nitric acid will not need to be used
  • Rick has spent through the funds he got from selling off some electronics from the space
  • Rick said he can be reach to train and teach in 72 hours
  • Tom has a rectifier to donate for the area
  • Rick said he posted to the member's only list looking for material donations, but not funding
  • Tom suggested Rick now ask for money to buy what he needs
  • Vishal said we could consider matching funds depending on what the members want to support
  • ACTION ITEM FOR RICK: Email member's only list about funding donations (This has been completed.)

9:25 - Reimburse DanJ for CO/gas detector

  • Dan bought a CO/gas detector for $39.95
  • VOTE: 6 Board Members voted to reimburse, Dan recused himself

Meeting ending time 9:44

January 15, 2015 Board Meeting Original Agenda

Meeting Time: 6:30pm
Location: Lenox, Meeting Room

  • All members are welcome to attend, and non-board members can join the conversation when invited


Treasurer's Report (December)

  • Dan indicated prior to the last meeting that he planned to create one using
  • OLD ACTION ITEM: BOD to review Oct and Nov Treasurer’s Reports prior to publishing for members

Building ownership/purchasing shares report progress

  • OLD ACTION ITEM: Tom and Joe to continue researching ways that MoMI could buy the building if the members decide to do so

Non-profit, 501c3 status

  • CPA dropped off paper work Thursday, 12/11/14
  • Any update from Tom?

Quicken, accounting software progress

  • OLD ACTION ITEM: Lance and Joe to write and review requirements for software to talk between Quicken and our access control database prior to publishing to members on Jan 1, 2015


Policies and Procedures

Reminder to differentiate personal vs. Board communications

Clarifications of the role of Operations Director

  • Lance asked for emails from Tom and Tiffany, other BOD member input also welcome

Area Champion Duties/Responsibilities Document

  • Progress since November Board Meeting?
  • How Area Champions should be chosen?
  • What is the scope of their authority? Duties?

Call for a Vote of No Confidence

  • Review of the bylaws
  • Discussion of potential voting options

Check on progress of Building Topics/Projects

Machine Shop Reorg

  • Adrian's Update


  • OLD ACTION ITEM FOR TOM: Work on wiring for general outlets for Meeting Room and Wood Shop
  • OLD ACTION ITEM FOR JOE AND TOM: Work on wiring for Red Dragon CNC

Snow Removal

  • East Wisconsin Services quote reviewed last meeting
  • OLD ACTION ITEM FOR ADRIAN: Get clarification from snow removal company and hire them to handle our property

Storage Inventory Update

  • Completed

Proposed East/West Room Changes

Temporary Vault Hallway Overflow Storage

  • Status?

Impound Lot Area

  • Signage needed? Maybe something on the floor? Ceiling? Both?

Relocating Watch Parts

  • Progress?
  • Talk to Matt J.?
  • OLD ACTION ITEM FOR CHARLES: Determine how to give empty watch part cabinets away to those who are interested by Jan 7, 2015

Long Materials Storage Proposal

  • Lance is working on this, took measurements first week of the month
  • Progress?

Electric Kiln

  • From last meeting, Brant/Tom working to add exhaust fan in pottery area, will not be installed before Christmas
  • Plan? Progress?

Lockers Moved

  • Still not sure what to do with filing cabinets, although Jon H requested one for jewelry area storage
  • Still not sure what to do with 2 sets of white lockers that remain in the Vault Hallway

Member Request for Electronics Lab Supplies

  • Adam sent a list of supplies wanted to the member's only list
  • What is the BOD's response?

Equipment Removed

  • 40 watt laser cutter has been removed
  • Book scanner status? (The book scanner has been removed)


Check on progress of Member/Space Projects

4x8 CNC Plasma Cutter

  • (continued from last meeting, ask JoeR)
  • No deadline given at last meeting

4x8 CNC Router

  • (continued from last meeting, ask SteveP)
  • No deadline given at last meeting
  • Is Steve working towards 1/1/15? Confirm?


  • (continued from last meeting, ask MattN)
  • Matt said last meeting that Kuka would be ready for 1/1/15
  • Matt working with Lance to make demo project
  • Motor drive acquired yet?
  • Any news on a different spindle?

"Red Dragon" RA-1F Vertical Mill update

  • (continued from last meeting, Tom gave update)
  • When will it be ready for use?

Cold Saw

  • (continued from last meeting, Tom gave update)
  • Tom mentioned in an email that it will be ready by the end of this week
  • Where is it being located? See East Room discussions above

Induction Furnace

  • (continued from last meeting, Tom gave update)
  • Last meeting Tom said this is on hold until the previous two are finished
  • Tom expects to start working on it in December, see above storage discussions
  • Where will it be located?

Large format plotters

  • Status? Who is working on this?
  • (continued from last meeting, ? gave update)

Floor sweeper

  • Sell and use something smaller?
  • OLD ACTION ITEM: Tom to follow up with the BOD once an offer is received

New equipment/donations

Leather working tools

  • Shane T brought these in
  • Currently in East Room on flat bed cart
  • Status? Plan?

Machine shop desk/tooling space request progress

  • (continued from last meeting, ask Tiffany)
  • This will go in the Vault hallway once lockers are moved
  • Are we ready to move this? - being moved
  • This is personal storage




Any topics from members who are present


Meeting ending time noted

boardmeetingagenda/2015-01-15.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/19 13:10 by nilesstonne