Lance indicated he was contacted via email and in-person by people who were concerned about reprisals against them if they vote was known publicly
Lance noted this is a very serious concern and he was saddened that it was an issue
Lance said he does not believe any of the current membership can be involved with the administration of voting in order to satisfy all parties involved that the vote will be fair and impartial
Vishal indicated that he could set up a separate email account for one non-board member to review and tally all the votes from members who receive secure, blind emails
Brant and Joe both asked if there were any non-board members who could be trusted with this task
Joe suggested JasonG mediate the vote due to his previous Board experience and programming skill, adding he's been critical of this Board but knows the system and how it works
Tom and Brant disagreed, Brant added that we should likely consider people entirely outside of the membership
Tom offered to contact our lawyer to ask about mediation services and 3rd parties
Tiffany asked if Bucketworks could be asked to mediate, but Lance and Vishal noted there are relationships between members in both groups that may bias some people
Lance suggested a notary public, but Tom said they don't have confidentiality agreements like lawyers
RickB suggested a lawyer he knows, but conflicts may exist there as well
Lance emphasized that no matter the outcome, he wants there to be no doubts the voting was fair
Rick suggested a legal mediation service
Lance and Tom indicated they would be willing to pay for mediation service by a 3rd party
They may need to pay out of their own pockets so as not to ask the Space fund it
Tiffany said she would feel bad if this vote costs the Space money
Steve asked how double voting would be caught by a 3rd party and Tom said people might have to come in person to vote
Rick asked if people who don't care if their vote is publicly known would have to adhere to any given voting method
Tiffany said she took issue with our usual voting methods for this VONC vote because she does not personally want to know who voted for or against the VONC
Tom said written ballots may be needed to ensure no double voting
Tiffany said proxy voting should not be allowed for the VONC
Lance said we've already received one person who proxied their vote and he told them we would let them know when the voting process was worked out if a proxy could be used
Tiffany asked that since the VONC is proceeding, can people on the forums be asked to stop discussing it
Tiffany asked if her and the Board can state their final views without further discussion prior to the vote
MattN noted that we've locked threads before without adverse affects
ChrisH disagreed and said there have been adverse affects, but not everyone was aware of them, complaints from members of censorship and favoritism
Joe reiterated that he thinks we have members who can be impartial and proctor the vote, he was opposed to involving a 3rd party from outside the group
Lance felt very strongly that no members or Board Members ever know the individual votes and who they are from
Vishal asked if he could send an email to the global Hackerspaces website forum asking if any other spaces have needed to employ a 3rd party mediation service
Tiffany objected, but Vishal indicated he would not use any names and only ask about the sort of situation we're dealing with
Lance volunteered to contact some mediation services on his day off tomorrow and get quotes
ACTION ITEM: Lance to contact 2-3 mediation services and get quotes to proctor a vote (Emails sent, awaiting responses)
ACTION ITEM: Lance to email members and request VONC no longer be discussed on forums (This has been completed)