Board Meeting Notes for February 20, 2014
Meeting Time: 7pm
Location: Lenox
5 minute time limit per highest-level bullet point.
All members are welcome to attend, and non-board members can join the conversation when invited.
7:06 PM - Membership Management Software Discussion
Tom, Dan, and Joe have been working on the Quickbooks software
Joe indicated that we will be treating members as 'customers' per the software terminology
We have been able to export member bio data from the current software
DanJ and JasonG both have access to the AppEngine software
There is more research to do regarding how the access control system will tie into Quickbooks
We may want to keep the AppEngine for access/door keys only
7:11 PM - Taxes for 2013
Tom suggested that to keep things simple, we use a CPA this year
Tom proposed that a CPA would cost between $200-300/year (THE BOARD VOTED TO APPROVE THIS EXPENSE)
Brant and Joe would send spreadsheets and balances to Tom and DanJ for their use in the taxes
We do not believe Space Federation requires anything from us at this time
7:15 PM - Next Treasurer's Report
January 2014 report requested for next week
7:17 PM - Lowering dues
The Board discussed reducing dues as soon as possible and weighed the pros and cons of doing so
Members will need to receive new invoices, this will require several hours in the member app
Member storage will need to be considered, new pallet/shelf racks should be built soon
It may be best to do this now before we enter it into Quickbooks, do everything at once
No one wants to make any hasty decisions or lower dues prematurely, especially if it would require us to raise dues in the future
Our finances (expenses vs. income) appear to support lowering dues
The new rate would be $40 per month for 24/7/365 access and a reasonable amount of storage space
Family can still join for $10 per month
All other membership levels would be defunct
Expenses average around $4,400 per month
Incomes average around $5-6,000
Projections, assuming…
Average 120 members at $40/mo. = $4,800
20 or so family members at $10/mo. = $200
Rental spaces and vaults = Additional $1-2,000
The Board suggested we handle storage by providing each members with the equivalent of half a pallet (or one 3x3x3 shelf) from now on
Charles asked what the original intent was for giving veterans a discounted rate
The Board indicated it was mostly a gesture of appreciation
It was also based partly off movie theaters and theme parks that offer student, veteran, and senior discounts. MMS offered student and veteran discounts, but not seniors.
Charles expressed concern over veterans now having to pay more if they want a full pallet
Tom suggested we grandfather in full sized pallets for veterans
Current veterans can keep their pallet
New members will not be eligible as we will no longer have a veteran membership level
7:30 PM - Classes/Seminars
David Bryan from TCMaker/HackFactory was invited by ChrisH and MattW to join us and talk about classes and non-profit status.
David said that TCMaker regularly offers welding classes.
(2) 4-hour sessions given
The first hour is devoted to safety
Events are posted to Eventbrite and StarTribute's website,
Students/attendees sign up on those websites
HackFactory collects the money from students/attendees
This accounts for roughly $5,000/year income
Instructors are paid by HackFactory, which is less than $800/year
Guests/instructors can become temporary members under TCMaker's policies
This differs from our current policies
Tom, Dan, and others spoke about the concerns in Milwaukee and/or Wisconsin
Our liability insurance is limited and does not cover compensated instructors
Anyone teaching and receiving compensation needs professional liability insurance
MattW explained he'd like to teach classes so he can purchase a new welder
Cost of the new welder will be about $5,000
Possibilities discussed, ways to teach classes within our current policies and insurance limitations
Treating MMS as a fraternal organization rather than a club? Benefits?
Can guests use power tools in classes? Not under our current policies.
Classes taught by community colleges or other groups
Classes outside the premises, off-site
Consider adding a temporary membership level or class/instructor only level
Examples given included having a crew of people help on a 24-48 hour project
It was noted a full-time member should likely supervise or act as the responsible party for any person or group of temporary members
Board to consider getting a quote on adding an insurance rider for teachers
Could the revenue of classes help offset the cost of extra insurance?
No action was taken on these topics at this meeting, only discussion
7:51 PM - Other insurance topics
Insurance for the Board of Directors (Brant still hasn't sent in the quote)
7:53 PM - Partial payments/outstanding invoices - write off?
Joe indicated that he has closed these invoices
No one objected
7:54 PM - Donation boxes and Area Champions
Topics discussed included
Asking Area Champions for budgets
Is it OK to stump/ask members for donations?
No one objected, do at your own discretion
Possible approaches:
Submit budgets for Board approval
Spend money and get reimbursed on a case-by-case basis
How do people feel about collecting surplus/unused funds from donation boxes and allocating them to a general fund?
Area Champions and others in attendance mostly OK with this, no objections noted at this time
Most prefer soliciting donations from members for specific projects/repairs as needed
The Board asked Area Champions in attendance for budgets/ideas
Lexie/Colleen said a Craft Lab budget was coming soon
(Lance submitted a budget for the Laser Cutter Room soon after the meeting)
8:20 PM - Policies and Procedures:
New Member Orientation Classes
Nothing happened in February, no one championed it, those interested were busy/forgot
Brant indicated he would pick a date and post it to the mailing list to motivate us to start having them
These will now occur the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM
(First one occurred on Saturday, March 1st)
8:25 PM - Status of a task list for Safety Coordinator
No news, nothing discussed
8:26 PM - Goals for 2014 (added by Pete)
No news, nothing discussed
8:27 PM - Status of proposal for a new DVR/camera system (ChrisH,Brant)
Brant said he'd look up the model previously discussed on Amazon and buy it
8:29 PM - Status of wiki/website backups (Dan, Chris)
Working like a charm according to ChrisH
8:30 PM - Parking flyer to neighbors
Body of letter/flyer has been prepared by Brant
Need to print several copies and get help distributing
Tom suggested a neighborhood block party/spring cookout to help spread goodwill/educate community about us
Check on progress of Building Topics/Projects:
8:35 PM - Air compressor
Work in progress, some downtime planned but exact date/duration TBD, will post to mailing list
8:40 PM - Gas lines for forge/foundry/glass blowing
Black steel piping being considered
Tom and Dan to do most of the work, final connection by a plumber likely
Check on progress of Member Projects:
Nothing new discussed
New equipment/donations:
TomG brought in a new plasma cutter
DanJ said we have some new forging tools
Someone asked about helping to update the equipment photos online
Any topics from members who are present
Looking up Milwaukee Makerspace location on Google Maps takes you to the Whitewater Makerspace address
Pete, Dan to review
Someone mentioned we should review how they do training/classes at Phoenix Makerspace
Meeting Time: 7pm
Location: Lenox
5 minute time limit per highest-level bullet point.
All members are welcome to attend, and non-board members can join the conversation when invited.
Membership Management Software Discussion
Taxes for 2013
Next Treasurer's Report
Lowering dues
Any insurance topics to discuss?
Insurance for the Board of Directors (Brant still hasn't sent in the quote)
Partial payments/outstanding invoices - write off?
Donation boxes and Area Champions
Policies and Procedures:
New Member Orientation Classes (our first class will have happened by now)
Status of a task list for Safety Coordinator (added by Brant)
Goals for 2014 (added by Pete)
For the Group
For the Board
For the Building
Status of proposal for a new DVR/camera system (ChrisH,Brant)
Status of wiki/website backups (Dan, Chris)
Parking flyer to neighbors
Check on progress of Building Topics/Projects:
Air compressor
Gas lines for forge/foundry/glass blowing
Check on progress of Member Projects:
MattN's email about connector for the Kuka
CNC Router
CNC Plasma
New equipment/donations:
Any topics from members who are present
boardmeetingagenda/2014-02-20.txt · Last modified: 2014/03/16 19:00 by branth