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Board Meeting Agenda for September 19, 2013

Meeting Time: 7pm
Location: Lenox

  • 5 minute time limit per highest-level bullet point.
  • All members are welcome to attend, and non-board members can join the conversation when invited.
  1. Legal/Financial:
    1. Treasurer's Report for this month?
  2. Policies and Procedures:
    1. Check on progress of Space Projects:
      1. Ed's CNC Router (said last month it would be done in Sept.)
      2. Kevin's HMMMMMM (said last month to check back in Sept.)
        1. 5 surround speakers + MDF for boxes procured. Need to repossess Davids ~26“ monitor + finish blog post
      3. Guy's Electric Car/Saab (status?)
      4. What's happening with that floor sweeper?
        1. We tried to charge the batteries… not sure if it worked.
        2. If it does not work, scrap it for parts?
    2. Brent & Jackie's screenprinting stuff
      1. What stuff now? Their stuff is different than the stuff that Tom Go. provided to the Screen Printing Area?
    3. Board Okay'd “Free space for cool projects” idea months ago. (Aka, where to put things like powerwheels cars).
      1. Can we go ahead and set aside the space for these things?
      2. Can we make the Stage sections into big mobile tables for this area?
    4. Makership update from GaryT Jr.?
  3. New equipment/donations:
    1. Dust Collection
      1. Status update needed from TomGz, and others (Brant)
    2. Re-organization of the Electronics Lab by Josh Zimmerman
      1. Budget/Funding request (tabled at last meeting, revisit now?)
    3. Phone system for the space
      1. Ask ChrisH to give an update, ask about costs/budget
  4. Events:
    1. Makerfest
      1. How's it going?
  5. Any topics from members who are present
    1. Funds for the enclosure for the Kuka robot arm (MattN)


  1. Legal/Financial:
    1. JasonG gave brief summary via email since he was available for the meeting
    2. Pete to give JasonG Bucketwork donation info for BarCamp8
    3. No abnormal expenditures recently or expected.
    4. We dropped a couple members last month but picked up a few as well.
    5. JasonG said he'd prepare a Treasurer's Report this weekend.
  2. Policies and Procedures:
    1. Check on progress of Space Projects:
      1. Ed's CNC Router
        1. EdH not present
        2. Progress has been noted in west Room
        3. Broad will email him soon for an update
      2. Kevin's HMMMMMM (said last month to check back in Sept.)
        1. 5 surround speakers + MDF for boxes procured.
        2. Need to repossess Davids ~26” monitor + finish blog post
        3. Pete to help shoot video, goal for completion by Oct 19th
        4. Kevin said he would start paying for space if it was not ready by next Board Meeting
      3. Guy's Electric Car/Saab
        1. JasonH emailed GuyL during the meeting for a status update
      4. What's happening with that floor sweeper?
        1. Agreed to sell it for scrap it
        2. Not sure if batteries hold a charge
        3. Brant said it does move and brushes sweep, not sure on rest of features
      5. MattW indicated that GregK (former member) came and picked up his pallet of stuff
      6. Kevin agreed to contact MKE Brewing Company re: their vault and membership expiring on 8/31
      7. Brent & Jackie's screenprinting stuff
        1. Moved out into hallway after meeting tonight
      8. Free “space for cool projects” idea
        1. Little movement since it was last discussed
        2. Can we go ahead and set aside the space for these things?
          1. Unclear, no vote taken -
        3. Can we make the Stage sections into big mobile tables for this area?
          1. Unclear, no vote taken
      9. Makership
        1. Still need update from GaryT
        2. JasonH agreed to champion the Makership next
        3. It was suggested we offer Makerships every 3 months instead of only once a summer, group seemed receptive to the idea
  3. New equipment/donations:
    1. Dust Collection
      1. Status update needed from TomGz
      2. Tabled until next meeting
    2. Re-organization of the Electronics Lab by Josh Zimmerman
      1. Budget/Funding request (tabled at last meeting, revisit now?)
      2. Tabled until next meeting
    3. Phone system for the space
      1. ChrisH was present, but nothing ready to discuss yet
      2. MMS still only on the hook for cost of shipping & handling
  4. Events:
    1. Makerfest
      1. Vishal working on permits
      2. Kickstarter needs more promotion
      3. Only about 50% of the way to our goal so far
      4. Adam said nothing was needed from MMS or the BOD specifically at this time
  5. Any topics from members who are present
    1. Funds for the enclosure for the Kuka robot arm (MattN)
      1. Plans and budget were presented
      2. 15 foot by 19 foot enclosure
      3. Some people were concerned about location of sliding door to the west would require 48“ more clearance around the enclosure, impact on the electric care workspace
      4. Vote was taken on max budget of $600 and approved
    2. Membership limits/caps (MattW)
      1. MattW indicated that increased membership is beginning to put a strain on training people in the metal shop
      2. Screening/application process could be tightened, we could become more selective or exclusive
      3. Some people suggested only letting in X number of people per month, limit to 5 per month perhaps
      4. Training could possibly be scheduled for one particular day per month
      5. TonyW agreed to review NYC Resistor's application process and history of inducing new members
    3. Training and Approved User Sign-Off Sheets (JoeR)
      1. JoeR suggested the current Sign-Off Sheet system be revised or replaced
      2. He would prefer to see lists of procedures and checklists used on specific equipment
      3. He suggested QR codes with links to wiki, videos, tutorials, etc.
    4. Remote Sensing Activity at the Space (ChrisH)
      1. ChrisH would like a way to see if anyone is present in the building
      2. Not a webcam necessarily
      3. Extract data from access control system and indicate number of door swipes in last 30 minutes or something
      4. Motion sensing also discussed briefly
      5. TonyW and a few others expressed concern over privacy of information
      6. Names and personal info should not be shared publicly
      7. ChrisH was encouraged to discuss code and implementation with Royce and TonyW after the meeting

Treasurer says we had a decent month. Still making $$. report to follow.

HMMMMMM will be finished before the next bored meeting. Finished means safety amp + monitors. …If not finished, Kevin will rent space. Will be used as instructional/promotional tool.

Guy's car. Guy's not a current member….He has to move the car this month….But, how?

Floor sweeper (MKEbrew), what are we gonna do with it? Craigslist? Something awesome? No one knows… MKEbrew has lapsed membership.

Vault 12 has Brent's screen printing equipment. Needs to be cleared out because Linda wants it.

Vault 1 will be cleared out so it can be rented. (Split tenants?)

Free space for cool projects: Build pallet jackable tables? Store projects in the east room?

Brant is bringing in more tables…

Clean up day is needed before Bay View Gallery Night. BBQ?

Gary's Makership is expired. Nothing to show for it :( Jason H will take over from Pete.

Electronics Lab looks good. Naysayers can jibberjabber. We don't want to hear it. Thanks Josh!!

Phone system is ready to be shipped. Internal PA system. Can be used to receive calls and as an internal PA system. (Breaker breaker. this is woodshop..metalshop come in. what's your eta?). Chris H asking for 300 bucks for shipping and handling. Putting it on hold until we get a real price.

MakerFest: Stop sucking at raising money (Jason H's advice to Adam)

Kuka saftey walls: Matt N has a detailed plan with drawings…impressive. Proposed Cost: $600. Board has approved the expenditure. 5 yes / 2 no (Kevin and JasonG, proxied thru Kevin)

boardmeetingagenda/2013-09-19.txt · Last modified: 2013/09/24 22:29 by branth