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Glass Fusion


Champion: Kathy Luglio


Rules and Etiquette

  • First and foremost, abide by any and all MMS rules and code of conduct while using the Glass Fusion area.
  • Clean up after yourself! This is not a personal workspace. Please be respectful of others' time and projects.
  • Do not train others to use this area! If you wish to step up and become a trainer please contact Kathy Luglio and inquire about becoming a trainer.
  • Failure to follow the rules will subject individuals to temporary bans from the area and may require retraining in order to use the area/equipment again.

Approved Trainers

Authorized / Signed Off Users


Note: this is very much a work in progress as we find what people want to do, what resources people use, and how the tools are best used. Please be patient as we figure this out together! In the meantime, we intend to communicate changes to the training or rules either as posters and labeling in the space, or through the discord



FAQs / How-Tos / Materials Settings


General FAQ:
I need to use the space for an extended amount of time, how would I let others know ahead of time so I don't end up disrupting others work time? Post to the Google Members Only groups preferably a week in advanced and communicate with the other members or post to the Area's Discord.

areas/glass_fusing.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 16:56 by branth