The following is the first draft that Lance, Lexie, Brant, and DL contributed to.

1. Welcome to Milwaukee MakerSpace

2. Who we are

a. Brief History
b. What we do and why
	i. Social group around making things 
	ii. We are a Do-ocracy
c. Core Values
	i. Don't be a dick
		1- Online
		2- Offline
d. Basic Rules of Behavior
e. Guests and the Guess Policy
f. Insurance - high level overview of what we have

3. The Board

a. Who are they?
	i. What they do
	ii. What they don't do
b. Lease, give or buy?
	i. Leasing tools to the space
	ii. Giving tools or supplies to the space
	iii. Asking the space to buy something for the space
	iv. Buying something for the space

4. Dues

a. How to pay them
b. What happens if you don't pay
c. Who to pay 
d. When to pay

5. Suppliers and Donations

a. Can we ask for donations
	i. From other members - Yes
	ii. With suppliers - Yes
b. Let the board know to clear it with them for other companies
	i. Other people may have asked for donations
	ii. We may have contacts with companies
	iii. Don't want to 'pester' a company because several members asked for donations 
c. We cannot work with a supplier directly as an exclusive company. No member can represent Milwaukee MakerSpace in regards to signed contracts

6. Projects

a. Clean up after yourself
	i. Parking tickets
	ii. Short term messes
	iii. Long term messes
b. Doing a Project 
	i. For Yourself
	ii. For the Space
	iii. What to do if your project needs a specific tool that you do not have and the space does not have 
		1- Post a question on the board- see - Posting on Message Board
	iv. Timings and location of projects
		1- Where should a project be done
		2- Where should a project NOT be done
		3- What projects are not allowed at the space for various reasons
		4- What to do if a project is in your way for working space

7. Member Storage

a. Full time, part time and companion storage (or lack there of
b. What to do if you need storage
	i. Short term projects (Parking tickets reference)
	ii. Long term projects
c. Vaults

8. Supplies and Suppliers

a. Hack Racks
	i. What are they
	ii. Where are they
	iii. How to give and tack
b. General Machine /Area Supplies
	i. Donation Boxes
	ii. Bits, blades, wielding tips, gas tanks
		1- Who to tell when something is used up
		2- How to get more
c. Space Supplies
	i. Cleaning Supplies
	ii. First Aid Supplies
	iii. Who to notify when things run out
	iv. How to actually replace the paper towel
d. Drinks and food
	i. Who stocks it
	ii. Where the money comes from
	iii. How long can you store food in there
	iv. Alcohol
	v. Soda
	vi. General Condiments

9. First Aid and Safety

a. Where is the first aid supplies
b. Where are the safety supplies
c. When to use them
d. WHY you should use them
e. If you have your own
f. What to do if you see someone doing something unsafe
g. What to do if you don't know how to do something the right way

10. Machines

a. Use of Machines
	i. Turning off a machine
	ii. Leaving a machine running and walking away
	iii. What happens when a machine breaks
b. Training on Machines
	i. The sign off sheet
	ii. Who can train
	iii. How to ask for training
		1- The posting board
		2- Asking if the person happens to be there.
c. How to become a trainer on a machine

11. Classes & Events

a. Who can hold a class / event
	i. How to request a class or event
	ii. Your class / event at MakerSpace
	iii. A MakerSpace sanctioned event / class by MakerSpace 
		1- Board approval
	iv. How often
b. What happens before, during and after
c. Public versus Private events
	i. Maker Cleaning Days
	ii. Tuesday Public Meetings
	iii. Monthly Board Meetings

12. Getting Into the Spaceā€¦ or out

a. Access Control System
	i. How to operate it
		1- Key fob or card
		2- Key Pad number
	ii. What to do if it breaks
		1- Who to notify
		2- How to notify them
b. Emergency Access into the building
c. The gate on the garage 
	i. When to keep it down
	ii. What it does
d. Opening Maker Space and Closing the Space
	i. Turning on lights
	ii. Adjusting the temperature
	iii. Checking the doors before leaving
	iv. Turning off the lights

13. Video Disclaimer

a. There are security cameras for security purposes
b. Video and pictures can be taken and used for:
	i. MakerSpace purposes
	ii. Legal purposes if you do something illegal that is caught on camera

14. Being a Good Neighbor

a. Loud Noises
	i. When we should be quiet
b. Closing the Garage Door
c. Parking

15. Online Stuff - Where to go for more help, information, or 20% more awesomeness

a. Website
b. Wiki
c. Google Groups
d. Facebook
e. Message boards are your friend.

16. FAQ

a. What do I do if I lose my key fob?