Table of Contents

Board of Directors - Voting Results for 2018

07/19/2018 - Board Meeting

Voting conducted via:

Email In-person

Item 1: Tim calls a vote for a 1 month ban for Akai from the Laser Lab in regards to 1) disrespecting and violating an area champions authority and 2) violation of the posted 90 minute usage rule that requires email notification

Transcript Details

Item 1 Approve Reject Abstain Remarks
Marcin P X
Colleen X
Tim C X
Pete P X
Marcus X
Dan X
Kathy H X
Results 6 1

02/24/2018 - Adhoc Meeting

Voting conducted via:

Email In-person

Item 1: Mat M calls a vote for a formal warning in regards to the Violation of Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy by Matt Neesley in regards to interactions with Tim C, Kathy H, and Marcin P


Item 1 Approve Reject Abstain Remarks
Marcin P X
Mat M X
Tim C X
Pete P X
Steff M X proxy via Pete
Adrian V X proxy via Kathy
Kathy H X
Results 7

02/15/2018 - Board Meeting

Voting conducted via:

Email In-person

Item 1: Light Bulb Replacement with LED

Item 1 Approve Reject Abstain Remarks
Marcin P X
Mat M X
Tim C X
Pete P X
Steff M X
Adrian V X via phone
Kathy H X absent
Results 6 1

02/06/2018 - Adhoc

Voting conducted via:

Email In-person

Item 1: Matt Neesley to Forfeit his Vault

Item 1 Approve Reject Abstain Remarks
Marcin P X
Mat M X
Tim C X
Pete P X
Steff M X
Adrian V X
Kathy H X
Results 7

Item 2: Money for more Cameras for Timelapse

Item 2 Approve Reject Abstain Remarks
Marcin P X
Mat M X
Tim C X
Pete P X
Steff M X
Adrian V X initiated the request
Kathy H X
Results 6 1

01/18/2018 - Board Meeting

Voting conducted via:

Email In-person

Item 1: Cosplay Area with Colleen as Area Champion

Item 1 Approve Reject Abstain Remarks
Marcin P X
Mat M X
Tim C X
Pete P X
Steff M X via Skype
Adrian V X absent
Kathy H X
Results 6 1

Item 2: Rik as Area Champion Landscaper

Item 2 Approve Reject Abstain Remarks
Marcin P X
Mat M X
Tim C X
Pete P X
Steff M X via Skype
Adrian V X absent
Kathy H X
Results 6 1

Item 3: Dalek Asylum - Officially Funded Area with John H as Champion

Item 3 Approve Reject Abstain Remarks
Marcin P X
Mat M X
Tim C X
Pete P X
Steff M X absent
Adrian V X absent
Kathy H X
Results 5 2