Board Meeting Notes for October 17, 2013

Meeting Time: 7pm
Location: Lenox

  1. Legal/Financial:
    1. Status on Insurance (both for Makerfest and us) reviewed
    2. TonyW and others agree we should continue with monthly Treasurer's Reports
  2. Policies and Procedures:
    1. Adopting PS:One's Anti-Harassment Policy
      1. Reviewed and approved by all 7 Board Members
    2. New member sign up procedure
      1. Vetting and application process discussed
      2. Group believes Member Release should be updated to require one Board Member and one other Member sign off on applicants
      3. Additional requirements suggested?
        1. Previously discussed ideas:
          1. Require potential members to join public mailing list first?
            1. And require them to post?
            2. Group decided against pursuing this requirement
          2. Pair them with a member to spend time during Tues/Thurs?
            1. DanJ and others liked this idea, however may be tricky to implement
          3. Guests who can't make Tues/Thurs nights can come during Space Improvement Weekends?
            1. Group seemed open to this idea
            2. Schedule this for once each month
        2. New ideas:
          1. BretD suggested having applicants or new members get a “passport” stamped
            1. Each area would have a stamp
            2. Applicants would need to get 3 (?) out of 10 areas stamped before they are accepted
          2. DanJ suggested applicants complete a survey with 5 things they like to do
            1. Possibly have a weekly dump of skills learned or interests?
          3. Require applicants to attend an orientation class
            1. Previously discussed, but not formalized
            2. Approx. 1-2 hours in duration
            3. Required before accepting sign-ups
    3. Lapsed Memberships/Late Payments
      1. Current By-Laws (Art.2, Sec.5) have not been enforced until now
        1. Those who pay late have their membership suspended
          1. This was intended to teach people to be proactive, reward those who are
        2. Must reapply as a new member within 90 days and pay dues owed plus next month's dues
          1. TonyW, Brant, and others have mixed feelings about the “plus next month's dues” part on the books currently
          2. It was noted that some gym memberships work the same way, you're paying for the next month
      2. Suggestions
        1. Reduce period to 15 days rather than 90
          1. This was later suggested that it be changed to 45 days instead of 15 or 90, but no vote taken
        2. Turn off access on the 1st or 2nd, but do not suspend memberships until 7th each month
          1. A few people had concerns about Dwolla and other payments not getting processed quickly enough to prevent an interruption in access
        3. Other ideas?
          1. Brant suggested adding a “countdown clock” to the access control system which would report how many days people have remaining on their membership whenever they badge in
          2. Some members suggested there be ways to support other members, donate to cover membership costs
    4. Proposed Metal Finishing Area
      1. Set up for general grinding at first, then expand later into buffing and/or polishing
      2. Possibly locate this where the Saab used to be
      3. Dust control needed, maybe build another enclosure, filter and vent fan?
      4. Sandblaster could be moved into this room as well
  3. Check on progress of Space Projects:
    1. Ed's CNC Router
      1. Progress noted recently
      2. Final location TBD, discuss with EdH later
    2. Joe's CNC Plasma Cutter
      1. Progress noted recently
      2. Final location TBD, discuss with JoeR later
    3. Kevin's HMMMMMM
      1. Progress noted recently, per Kevin:
        1. Screen is installed.
        2. Two of five speaker mounting points are cut.
        3. Hinge safety mechanism installed.
        4. Blog post text is written.
        5. Post will be up in a week.
      2. Board Members are considering letting the Members decide how useful of a space project this is, whether or not it should be considered a personal project (i.e. rent space) or not
    4. Kuka & Enclosure - complete
    5. Makership Program
      1. JasonH agreed to head it up last meeting
      2. First year went well, second year not so productive
      3. MattW had concerns over continuing the program if it wasn't going to be successful, too much effort on our part
      4. Group considered options and voted unamiously to continue it
      5. Frequency of accepting Makerships TBD, mostly up to those running it (JasonH, etc.)
    6. Discuss the idea of Volunteer Hours
      1. Similar to “time banking” people would be be expected to put time in cleaning or volunteering or training others in return for training and working with others
      2. Several questions and uncertainities noted by Board Members, hard to keep track of hours, enforcement
      3. Tabled for now
  4. New equipment/donations:
    1. Phone/PA System for space
      1. Chris H. proposed a final budget of $200 to acquire and install the system
      2. Price includes some cabling, connectors, misc. infrastructure needs
      3. Board unamimously approved budget
  5. Events:
    1. MakerFest!
    2. Holiday Make-A-Thon with Bucketworks on Black Friday?
      1. Brant to reach out to BW and offer to host it at our place
    3. BVGN Recap
      1. Lower attendance than previous art show events, is that a problem?
      2. Group mostly supportive, OK with continuing support and hosting
  6. Any topics from members who are present
    1. BretD asked if he could use the cement mixer
      1. Would like to reuse/reconstitute clay/sand for casting
      2. No one had any objections, TomG said it was up for grabs
      3. Storing the mixer and footprint briefly discussed, location TBD
    2. Cannot store fuel and lawn power equipment inside
      1. Storage shed or a trailer suggested
      2. TomG to review, brainstorm more
    3. Awnings over doors, possibly garage?
      1. Group briefly discussed, would be nice for inclement weather
      2. Better lighting over doors also discussed
    4. BretD asked about running a natural gas line for casting/forging equipment
      1. TomG/Brant to discuss pipe sizing
      2. We would need a contractor to install it

Board Meeting Agenda for October 17, 2013

Meeting Time: 7pm
Location: Lenox

  1. DanJ to call in by speakerphone
  2. Legal/Financial:
    1. Status on Insurance (both for Makerfest and us)
    2. How often do we want to produce Treasurer's Reports? (bylaws do not specify)
  3. Policies and Procedures:
    1. Adopting PS:One's Anti-Harassment Policy
    2. New member sign up procedure
      1. Member Release is now up to date with By-Laws (two board members must sign off)
      2. Additional requirements suggested?
        1. Require potential members to join public mailing list first?
          1. And require them to post?
        2. Pair them with a member to spend time during Tues/Thurs?
        3. Guests who can't make Tues/Thurs nights can come during Space Improvement Weekends?
    3. Lapsed Memberships/Late Payments
      1. Current By-Laws (Art.2, Sec.5) have not been enforced until now
        1. Those who pay late have their membership suspended
        2. Must reapply as a new member within 90 days and pay dues owed plus next month's dues
      2. Suggestions
        1. Reduce period to 15 days rather than 90
        2. Turn off access on the 1st or 2nd, but do not suspend memberships until 7th each month
        3. Other ideas?
    4. Proposed Metal Finishing Area
  4. Check on progress of Space Projects:
    1. Ed's CNC Router - progress noted recently
    2. Joe's CNC Plasma Cutter - progress noted recently
    3. Kevin's HMMMMMM - progress noted recently. Screen is installed. Two of five speaker mounting points are cut. Hinge safety mechanism installed. Blog post text is written. Post will be up in a week.
    4. Kuka & Enclosure - complete
    5. Makership Program - JasonH agreed to head it up
    6. Discuss the idea of Volunteer Hours
  5. New equipment/donations:
    1. Phone/PA System for space (Chris H.)
  6. Events:
    1. MakerFest!
    2. Holiday Make-A-Thon with Bucketworks on Black Friday?
    3. BVGN Recap (Next time find a ton of indie artists who need space?)
  7. Any topics from members who are present