Board Meeting Agenda for June 20, 2013

Meeting Time: 7pm
Location: Lenox

Welcome our new Operations Director! (added by Brant)

  1. Ensure he is added to BOD mailing list, email set up, etc.
  2. Plan to review equipment loan form progress after meeting


  1. No new topics at this time

Policies and Procedures

  1. Member Relations (added by Brant)
    1. Propose any official Board correspondence be sent by Treasurer, Communications Director, or President only
    2. This would include items regarding dues, rental spaces, notices, warnings, etc.
  2. New member orientation classes (added by Brant)
    1. A specific day to do new member signups
    2. Once or twice per month? Saturdays?
    3. Need volunteers
    4. Need agenda/curriculum
    5. Vetting class trainers?
  3. Secretary needed (added by Brant)
    1. Should we 1) wait until the October election to change, 2) ask the members to approve modifications to the bylaws now, or 3) appoint someone? (added by Kevin, edited by Brant)
  4. Bylaws Revision: Giving BOD power to suspend/terminate memberships (Adam)
  5. Hand-off Kevin's idea of “Lets give away free floorspace to members with short term, awesome projects” to Ops director. (added by Kevin)
    1. Board can help determine quantity and location of east room floorspace, who defines “awesome” and if the duration is 1 month, or two, or more, and if we should request a blog post or two as “payment.”
    2. Max square rental size and/or duration discussion. Regarding large projects, etc.
  6. Cart Dimensions? (added by Kevin)
  7. Gift Memberships? (added by Kevin)

New equipment/donations

  1. Where does the robot arm go? How to make it safe? (added by Adam)
  2. What about the rest of the stuff that came with the robot arm? (added by Kevin)
  3. 11'x7' space needed for large CNC router project (Added by Brant per EdH request)
  4. Will future donations (larger than a bread box) be handled by the operations director who interfaces with area champions directly, or will the whole board be involved? (added by Kevin)


  1. No new topics at this time

Any topics from members who are present


Members in attendance: Brant,Adam,Jasons(both),Pete,Matt. Kevin is absent, proxied through Adam. (Also Tom)

Matt Whitman is officially the new operations director. May his reign be long and just.

Concerns about not having a list of who owns what tool/equipment.

Current Member count: 96. Someone start working on a balloon drop for #100!

Board Communication to Members: should this be done through one or two people? We do this already mostly, no need to formalize.

New member orientation classes/ Only accepting new members twice a month. This subject was tabled due to lack of consensus.

Need a Secretary position on the board? No one wants to do it. No conclusion on whether to change by-laws.

Robot arm will go in a corner until it proves functional. Then we will consider moving it to give it more room. Safety Rails/walls need to be installed before power on.

Ed's CNC Router: Space will be allocated pending timeline for completing this project. See ops director

leads to general discussion on granting free project space…

Policy Decision: If you want to build a “space project” you need to define a time line / time limit. All space allocations will go up for review at a board meeting when time limit reached. Can ask for extensions at that time. (Vote: Unanimous)

Vote: if your cart fits under the pallet racking, you're good. Approved unanimously.

Gift Memberships: Voted down unanimously. Not a good idea.

New By-Laws will be proposed to membership soon regarding membership management. Details to follow.

Also, expect to see a giant grassy buffalo in the shop in the near future.